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Ben's friends invited the both of you out to a pub for some drinks. Let's just say...Ben got a little drunk.


"I'll get a round of shots for everyone to start!" Ben calls out to the bartender with a distinct grin spread across his lips.

"Thanks mate!" All Ben's friends yell out.

The bartender puts the shots on the counter.

"Here love!" Ben hands you the small shot glass filled to the brim.

"Ready? 3 2 1...go!" You all down your first shot.

"Oof! That was a strong one!" You giggle watching Ben down his shot.

"Fuck!" Ben shakes his head as he pursues his lips together. "You're bloody right!"

"I'm gonna get a beer! Want one?" Ben asks walking towards the bar.

You nod your head as you begin chatting with Ben's mates. Ben kisses you on the cheek, causing you to turn around. He's holding two bottles of beer, handing one to you. You crack open the beer bottle and take small sips as you are the one driving home tonight.

Ben downs his first beer quickly, rushing back over to the bar to purchase another one.

"Ben slow down!" You insist as he wraps his arms around your waist, swaying you back and forth.

"Alright mum!" Ben says in your ear.

"Fuck off!" You giggle, turning around to kiss his lips.

You felt Ben smile through the kiss which made your heart flutter in your chest.

The night continued. You caught up with Ben's mates, laughing about old memories. Ben had about two or three more beers as the night went on. When Ben's drunk he gets full of energy and becomes completely horny.

Ben's friends slowly started to leave, when you and Ben were soon the only two left from your group in the pub.

"I think it's time to go!" You tug on Ben's sleeve.

"Aww okayyy!" Ben slurs his words.

You take his hand and lead him to the car. Ben opens the passenger side door with ease, but getting in the car on the other hand was a total struggle. He smacks his head on the top of the car as he tries to get in, slamming his ass on the seat. He groaned as he closes the door behind him. You pull out of the pubs parking lot, beginning to drive home.

Ben slowly starts to move his hand up your thigh, towards your crotch.

"Ben! I'm driving!" You tut, swiping his hand away.

"I-I just love you, that's all!" He speaks slowly.

"I know you do! You're just wasted Benny!" You turn to look at him, he quickly kisses your lips.

"Gotcha!" He laughs.

"You're in for it when we get home!" You smirk, re-focusing on the road.

"I like the sound of that!"


You pull up to your flat. Ben quickly unbuckles himself and wobbles over to your side of the car, opening the door for you.

"(Y/N)! Hurry! I want you so badly!" Ben says eager to get you in the bedroom.

Ben grabs your hand, practically yanking you out of the car. You quickly close the drivers side door behind you as Ben begins to run towards the front door. You unlock the door and giggle as you watch Ben struggle to get up the stairs, missing a couple steps along the way, as he can't see quite straight.

You throw yourself onto the bed as Ben begins to undress you.

"Ben we've got to get you drunk more often hm?" You laugh, ripping the shirt off his chest.

He nods his head as his mind is occupied with other thoughts. I love drunk Ben!

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