Donny x Leo pt2

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Request-no one
Ship-Donny x Leo (lenny/Deo)
Notes-this is a part two to Donny x Leo, if you haven't read that chapter I suggest you do before reading this

Leo pov
I groan, opening my eyes. "Morning sunshine~" I hear Donny whisper. I rub my eyes and look at him. He smiles and pecks my forehead. I blush at this and cuddle closer to his chest. I feel Donny wrap his arms around me, one hand in my hair, another on my back. I yawn, still tired. "Dont fall back asleep love, you just woke up~" Donny whispers. "Too late, I'm already half asleep" I chuckle. "Nuuu don't go back to sleep" Donny whines causing me to chuckle more. Donny sighs. "Well then...." he says and crawls over me. "I'm just gonna have to wake you up~" Donny says, licking his lips. Before I have anytime to respond, Donnys' lips crash on to mine. I gasp at this, Donny takes the opportunity to slide his tounge in. I moan, feeling him explore my mouth. Soon enough, we pull apart, a string a saliva connecting our lips, which Donny breaks by licking it up, licking my lips in to process. "Alright I'm up" I groan and Donny smiles. He lays down beside me again and pulls me in his embrace. I turn so my back is against his chest. "You're an idiot" I grumble but loud enough for him to hear. Donny chuckles. "Yea but I'm your idiot" Donny laughs. I roll my eyes and chuckle a little. "You know you taste good~" Donny flirts, causing my face to go red. I turn and look at him in embarrassment. "D-Don't says s-stuff like t- that" I stutter. "Heh. This kinda makes me want more~" Donny smirks and crawls on top of me, pinning my arms down with his left hand above my head. Donny places his other hand on my hip. "D-Donny" I stutter. "Shhhhh, don't worry, I'll take care of you" Donny whispers in my ear. Soon enough, Donny is pulling off our clothing, starting with me, pulling my tang top over my head and throwing it on the floor. He pins my hands down again and removes our boxers so we're completely naked. Donny unpins me. To my surprise, Donny doesn't slide in right away but lays down beside me, pulling me on top of him. Donny sits up and lines his member with my entrance. I look at him nervous. "Donny" I whisper. He looks at me and cups my face "Dont worry love, you'll be alright" Donny whispers before lowering me on his member. I gasp and moan, feeling Donny's member fill me up. Soon his entire member is inside me. I whine, trying to get used to the feeling. Donny doesn't fail to notice. "Take it easy Leo, tell me when you're ready" Donny whispers, looking me in the eyes. I nod and rest me head on his shoulder. About 5 minutes go by before I look back up at Donny and nod. Donny continues to look at me before lifting my hips up and dropping me back on his member, causing me to moan. Donny continues doing this until I'm doing it myself. "Damn Leo, you're- you're tight" Donny pants, smirking. I never thought it would come to this. First he was training me to sword fight and defend myself, then sleeping and cuddling in his bed and now here we are, in his room, me bouncing on him member as Donny whisper dirty things in my ear. Donny places his hands on my hips and helps me go faster. "Gah- Donny, o-oh my go-ahhhh-od" I moan loudly. "Does it feel good love? My member filling you up every time you go down? How does it feel?" Donny smirks, still panting. "I ca-ahh-nt describe i-it. Just so-ahh-good. You-ahh-'re so b-big. Donny pl-ah-ease" I pant and moan.  "Please what?" Donny asks. "Pl-ah-ease f-fuck me" I moan, wanting him so badly. Donny looks at me before pulling out. I whine and look at him. Donny then puts me on my back and lays me so my legs are over the edge of the bed. Donny goes between them. Before I have anytime to say any thing, Donny's lifting my legs, hands on the back of my knees, pounding into me. I gasp and moan loudly. "You wanted this~" Donny smirks. I feel him angling himself to hit different spots. Donny hooks my legs over his arms and leans over me. "Ahhhh D-don-AHHHHHHHH" I cut myself off as I scream, feeling Donny hit a certain spot. "There it is~" Donny smirks and continues to pound into that spot. I moan, feeling Donny's member go in and out of me. Donny harshly grips my hips, enough to leave bruising, and pounds harder. I groan at this. I look at Donny before cupping his face and bringing him down to connect our lips. Donny licks my lips and I part them. I feel his tounge slide in. So now Donny has claimed all of me. My entrance and my mouth. I moan, feeling so much pleasure. We pull apart for air. "Donny" I moan. Donny smirks and thrusts faster. "D-Donny ahhh I-I'm" I pant. "You're what baby?" Donny pants smirking. "I-I'm go-ahhh-nna c-cum" I groan. "Cum for me love" Donny whispers in my ear before biting it. Donny's thrusts pick up the pace to the point he's slamming into me, right on my spot. "Do-AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I cut myself off screaming my head off as I cum on my chest. Donny notices this and goes faster, he soon slams into me one last time before cumming deep inside me, throwing his head back, moaning loudly. I moan at this, him filling me up. Donny leans back down and connects our lips. I kiss back, cupping his face. We pull apart and Donny pulls out. Donny then bends down and licks the cum off my chest, I watch as he does so. "Mmmm you really taste good~" Donny smirks. I blush and turn my head away. I glance back at Donny, who was kneeling, staring at my entrance. "What are you doing?" I ask. Donny doesn't respond but instead licks my entrance. "Gah! Donny, what are you doing?!" I yell, taken by surprise by this. "I'm cleaning you" Donny says and continues to lick my entrance. I watch him do this.

Donny pov
Leo watches me lick his entrance. I smirk, getting an idea. I then stick my tounge in his entrance. "Gah! That feels weird!" Leo yells. I lick up the remaining cum in and out of his entrance before standing back up again. "Why did you do that?" Leo asks, looking me right in the eyes. "So you can taste me~" I say and lean in to connect our lips. Before they could touch, Leo turns his head away. "What?" I ask. "I don't think I want your tounge in my mouth after its been in my ass" Leo says. "Seriously?" I ask. "Ye-" I cut Leo off as I kiss him, sliding my tounge in his mouth. He tries to push me off but soon melts into the kiss. I make sure to explore every inch. Only when we need air, we pull apart. "That didn't taste that bad" Leo say surprised. I smile and kiss his head. Leo smiles and kisses my cheek. I pick Leo up bridal style, making him yelp. I walk to the other side of the bed and lay him back down on his back. I crawl on top of him and pull the covers over us. Leo places his hands on my shoulders and kisses my cheek again. I look at him smiling and press our temples together. "Love you" I whisper. "Love you too" Leo says. I lay beside him and pull him in my embrace. Leo yawns and falls asleep again. I kiss his forehead and close my eyes, slowly joining him in sleep.

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