Chapter 14

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Anna? Is that you?

The person I now realize that sits above me is none other than my younger sister Anna.

"Elsa! Your awake! I was SO worried!" Anna says and she then leans in and hugs me tightly.

W-where am I? What happened!?! I ask, I sit up but something holds me back.

"Elsa it's ok, your in the top form now. I'm here for the VIP seats and to say goodbye to you before the games." Anna smiles.


"What were you doing opening the train doors earlier Elsa?"

What? When did I-

"It's my fault!" I'm cut off. I look over to the other side of the room to see Jack sitting, staring at me.

"No Jack it wa-" I look over to see Ruby.

"Yes it was! I told her to come outside! I thought she had the same powers! It's all my fault!" Jack says, cutting off Ruby as well.

Jack? I say. He walks over to the hospital bed and looks at me.

"Yeah." He says. His eyes are pink and puffy and his nose is sniffly. Was he crying? No Jack Frost never cries. Ever.

What was your fault?

"The reason why your in this bed is my fault."


"Earlier today I told you to come outside, off the train, by frosting up your window and writing on it."

I actually hear Anna say, aww! But I glare at her and she stops with a smirk.

"Then you walked to the door and opened it and stepped outside. I don't think you were thinking straight because apparently you don't have the same powers as me. You were falling and I saw you and heard you screaming my name so I rushed over to you but you were falling too fast!"

"Your head and back and everywhere was smashing off of rocks and boulders! I was almost too late! Your eyes were closed and I caught you at the last minute but as I did you hit your head really hard off a jagged rock!"

"I saw your eyes slowly open and close and then you just lay still! I thought you were dead! Your were dead in my arms! Because of me! It was my fault!"

"I brought you back up to the tracks but the train was gone! I went quickly to the Top Form and brought you here. They saved you. The doctors. They saved you from me. It was all my fault! I almost killed you! Me!" wasn't your fault, you saved me! You brought me here! You did it! You saved my life.

"No I didn't. I almost killed you. If I didn't do that you would be happy and healthy and you wouldn't be in those stupid gloves!" He yells.

What glo- no no.....NO NO take them off! Take them off! GET THOSE THINGS OFF OF ME NOW!!! HURRY! Take them off! I scream.

I recognized those gloves, that fabric, it's evil fabric. Only made in form one. It makes any power stop working. They melt and burn the ice power from any of us in five and it ultimately goes away until they are removed. But it is impossible for them to be removed by the user wearing them. If you struggle they only get tighter.

I panic and try to struggle out of them. I start to wince at the pain but I refuse to cry I front of anyone. I can't come off as weak, I can't be weak. I start to scream so a doctor comes and removes them for me. Why did I need those-those things!? I shout.

"You were freezing up the entire room from the surgery." I hear a doctor say.

Surgery!? I feel the bed getting colder. Conceal don't feel. Conceal don't feel. I whisper until I stop freezing the sheets.

"Yes. You have had eighteen stitches in areas such as the back of your head, back and left leg. Had jagged rocks and stones removed form all over and a bit of medicine for your mild concussion." The doctor states. I feel my eyes widen.

"It's alright were all finished now. You will only be here overnight for recovery."

Yay. I say glumly.

"Now get some rest. Everyone. Tomorrow will be the first day of training and when you two will say goodbye to any family or friends." The doctor says.

I hope what Jack said about our families becoming slaves isn't true.

I guess Wink won't come, she said something about the slaves once, she said her family is there but her twin sister she never talks to because she is in a different form. She said her sisters name was tinker bell. I don't remember what form she's from. Oh well.

I guess I'll try to sleep now. As I drift off I see Jack is the last one to leave and he closes the door softly behind him and I drift off to sleep.

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