Chapter 15

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I wake up and I find Jack sitting in a chair beside my bed. He smiles when I look at him.

"Your awake." He says.

When did you get here? I say while returning his smile.

"Oh, i don't know. I've been here awhile." I sit up.

Ok. Did you need me for something? I don't mean to be mean but why are you here? I ask.

"No I just wanted to see you. Your very pretty when you sleep." I feel my cheeks heat up so I tilt my head down.

Oh...I don't know.. He walks over and puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head upward.

"No, no it's true."

Thanks. I say and smile. He sits beside me on the hospital bed.

"So what's your story Elsie?"

My what?

"Your story. How you got your powers and so on after."

Oh. Well, I was born with my powers cursed upon me so I've always had them and I control ice and snow.

"Ok. Well I guess I'll tell you mine. Ok, I was born in the wilderness in a small cabin with my parents and my sister Emma. I grew up but I didn't have my powers yet. I had dark brown hair and eyes and other then that I looked about the same. One day I was skating with my sister but it way late in March and the ice wasn't completely solid. I was 16, my birthday being in January. So we were skating but the ice began to crack near my sister. I went to her as quick as I could and at the last minute I pushed her off the ice just in time but I feel through. I could feel myself freezing and that is the day that I died." I gasp loudly.

"I then was lifted out of the water, well more I floated out of the water. Then I was eye to eye with the huge moon. It was crazy but it began to talk into my mind. The words sounded like wind but I could tell they were words. The moon said his name is Manny and he is the man in the moon. He said I am Jack Frost and I live in Form five. He said I can control ice, snow and wind. He directed me in the direction of the form and said I needed to go there. That's all he said and I haven't spoken to him since. I was placed on the ground and that was the end. I found a large staff beside me. I picked it up and it froze. It glowed a brilliant icy blue and then was frozen with leaf like designs all over it. Everything that I touched with the staff froze. I was amazed! And that is how I got my powers."

Wow...that's amazing! Is all I can say.

"Yeah. I guess it is. Just like yeah it is? " he says.

Wait did you just say I am amazing! I say while smiling.

"No! Um er yes! I said my powers were amazing! Yeah!" He tries to cover.

Sure Frost. I say.

"Ok, well um...I guess we should get ready for training today...."

Ok. I say as he gets up and leaves the room. Just before he leaves I quickly say: Wait! Jack?


How were you writing on my window of the train? Yesterday?

"Oh, Elsie you didn't know? I can fly!"! I say. How? What? He can fly!!!

"Yeah. See ya later Elsie."

Bye jack. I say as he closes the door.

I guess I'll get ready for training. So I get up out of bed and walk out the door. Two men direct me to my room and I enter. It looks about the same as mine on the train but with a few more windows and the furniture is a different colour.

I take a cold shower and braid my hair in a signature French braid down the left shoulder. I create a navy blue hoodie that drapes down my shoulder. It doesn't have a hood or pockets but I frost up the shoulders trying to make it similar to jacks hoodie. I then form some blue jeans and grey boots. I like this look. It sort of reminds me of Jack who makes me smile.

I walk out of the room and notice Jack doing the same. His room being across from mine again. He of coarse is wearing his signature blue hoodie and brown pants but he isn't wearing shoes.

"Hey Elsie." He says.

Hi Jack. You um, know your not wearing shoes right? I ask.

"Aw heck with those stupid things! I never liked shoes. They don't seem natural without them I can feel an enemy coming from their footsteps." He says.

Wow that actually works?

"Yeah it does."

So what do you think training is all about.

"Oh I don't know. I don't think it'll be all that great though. According to ice man were supposed to meet people for allies."

Ok. But I'm not very good at the whole friends deal. I say. I never really had any friend besides Periwinkle.

" oh i don't know, you won me over pretty easily."

And what's that supposed to mean frost? I ask, smirking.

"Nothing, nothing Ice Queen." Jack says raising his hands in surrender.

Ice Queen?

" Yeah, you know, from your outfit."

What ou- oh you mean my disguise as the ice queen. How did you know that's what I called it.

"You whispered 'ice queen' like, five times while you were looking at yourself in the mirror."

Oh, uh, oops?. I feel myself blush and I tilt my head downward. He tilts it up with his finger again.

"Those only with true beauty chose to hide in fear. But one can overcome that fear with help of someone special." Jack says.

Jack..t-that was beautiful! When did you think of that? I say.

"When I was thinking of you." He says, scratching the back of his head. It's so handsome when he does that it's adorable.

Your adorable. I think out loud.

"Did you just say I'm adorable? He asks, a smirk growing on his face.! No..I didn't say that.

"Nice try Elsie. I'll get you some day!

Sure Frost. I say as we reach the doors of the training room.

"Well, let's get started."

Ok. I say. I open the doors and gasp.

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