Chapter 9: love less

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Linda's p.o.v

I cant believe i kiss Justin! I mean do i like him? Did I just do it so he's not sorry? was I drunk? Why? I cant believe it where just friends.

I was at home already and I was ready to go to sleep but like always I grab my phone. I saw I had a message from an unknown number.

~text convo~

U: unknown. L: Linda

U- hey :)

L- umm who are you

U- its justin

L- ohh... How you get my number

J- I got people ;)

L- yeah I don't think asking Ariana for my number is considered as you having people lol

J- okay fine you got me.

L- can I ask you something

J- yeah and you already did

L- lol anyways I was wondering I saw what you did to Diego and you have a nice punch but why when I bullied you you never stud up to me

J- I have many reason and its a long story

L- bedtime story? I got time

J- haha okay fine I'll tell you.

L- yay

J- well when you started bullying me I hated you and I did want to punch you but I couldn't cause you where a Girl so I figured out a method. I started to search you up quietly so you wont find out i figured out your parents name your brothers and sis your friends and everything that has happened to you. And as I keep finding things out about you I started to like your personality. And I decided to keep it to myself and actually I was still mad so I started to go to the gym and punch bean bags, and thank to you I got stronger.

L- wow well first of all sorry for bulling you. Second of all your such a stocker lol. Third of all your welcome. And lastly I'm happy you got stronger and don't worry no one will bully you or at lease no girl cause I'll beat them up for you.

J- dont worry about it and lol okay. And thanks for the kiss ;)

L- well I just did it to shut you up! It didn't mean anything.

J- ohh...

L- yeah well goodnight and stop stoking me!

J- okay

~end of text convo~

Okay let me admit it cause we all know I lied, wdidn't kiss him to shut him up, there was another reason why I kiss him. And its....its cause... Umm....I think....maybe...just maybe....deep down...really deep down..,, him

No thats crazy! There's no way I can like a guy like him. A boy like him can't be with me, it just doesn't go together. Where like oil and water, of course he' the oil cause he, hes umm you know oily and I'm clean like water from a bottle.

Well I started to watch Netflix on my phone while I laid in my bed and little by little i started to doze of to a deep sleep.

Justin p.o.v

I could of swarm that that kiss wasn't to shut me up but I guess I was wrong. I don't know but little by little as I get to know Linda in person now I feel a bit less attracted to her. I though she was the love of my life but like Selena and me it wasn't I was wrong like always.

After I finish texting Linda I wasn't sleepy at all so I decided to check if Ariana is awake. I got to admit Ariana is a good person she has a fun personality.

~Text convo~

J- hey ari are you awake?

(3 min later)


J- lol okay then

A-jk lol I was reading sorry

J- book worm!!

A-no I'm not

J- yes you are!

A- says the nerd

J- says the future librarian

A- ugh goodnight


A- what?

J- I'm not sleepy I have nothing to do

A- then check social apps dont keep me up

J- already did but okay I'll find someone else

A- naw il just playing

J- ohh

A- yeah have you texted Linda yet?

J- yeah

A- what happened?

J- um I don't really want to say anything cause its between us. But whatever.

A- okay I respect that

J- but I have a confession

A- don't tell me tell the Priest

J- not that kind

A- ohh then what?

J- well I guess we where wrong when we said that I love Linda cause as I talk to her more and more as I get to know her, i loose felling for her.

A- what?!?! Wow I dont know what to say..

J- dont have to say anything cause I'm getting sleepy know so goodnight ari.

A- good night bizzle but maybe she might not be the one but you'll find her some day.

J- yeah your right you such a good friend

A- you too

~End of text convo~

Recomended book: the jewelry box.

About: this girl is on an internship with Mr.Bieber.  Mr.Bieber owns 2 building out of 5. He's a billionaire at only 24, but what secrets is he hiding?

My thoughts:  love it, this reminds me of 50 shades or grey. Honestly it's still updating and there's this secret his hidding and I'm trying to figure it out. Ugh live this book

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