Chapter 20: jail

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Linda's p.o.v

When the cops pulled me away I was still trying to grab her I managed to get away but quickly did the cop pull me back but before she pulled me back I managed to pull some of her hair and with the force the police pulled me away I got a chunk of her hair out. They took me away from the sense and so did she get pulled away.

They took us to this room where the offices where. You know that room that you will get sent to if your bad? Well yeah that this room. I saw the cops started to whisper to the security and the principle. Then I saw Sofia, I started to breath heavy and heavier. I stared dead at her. I notice that she tried to stare back but she just ended up looking at the floor in regret "exactly " I said. "What you say" she responded " I said exactly, are you DEATH?!?" She keep my blood boiling. "Bitch shut the fuck up" I stood up not caring who was here and puncher her again and this time I grabbed her shirt and pulled the shirt so her face would land on my face and I keep repeating and repeating they tried to pull me away but I was so mad I even kicked one of them. I saw her nose bleed again.

They arrested me and put me on another room for "safety" but I can still see her. "You are arrested for saluting a cops officer, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will and could be use at the court of law, you have the right to a layer,if you can't afford a lawyer we will assign you a lawyer."

"Okay fuck that I didn't insult a cop officer" I said

"You kicked one of them"

"Yeah I know who I kick and they weren't po-pos, they where security"

"Your also arrested for punching that girl"

"Yeah well she shouldn't have said shit online, and If yall going to arrest me for insulting an officer let me just say the that yall pigs aren't the law, yall just in force it so don't be acting like yall the shit cause you ain't!" I knew for sure now I got couple years in jail.

"Que Mira's cara de puerqo"(what you looking at pig face) I scream at Sofia she rolled her eyes and looked away. I saw a police car arrive. The cop got a notification over the radio, and then walked up to me, he grabbed my arm harshly and it cause me to groan an ouch.

I was pulled outside and I looked at the windows and people where staring. I was harshly push in the car and they drove the care a couple blocks forward. The nearest police station was about 5-7 blocks away if you drive straight.

Less than 15 min we arrived they pulled over and they pulled me out like I was a filthy animal or something. They sat me down at the police station and started to ask Sofia some questions but of course they took her in the little investigation room.

Time passed and then it was my turn they sat me down and had me waiting for a couple minutes. Then a man in his late 20's walked in he sat down and had a paper with him, he started to speak up "for the sake of the recorder state your full name." I stayed quite. "Ohh so where staying quite" I didn't even nod. "You know most people stay quite if they need to hide something, my guess is that you are hiding something" at this point I was done, it was late and I was sleepy. "I want a lawyer" I knew that a free lawyer wasn't good enough to get me out of her so I didn't even care anymore either way I'm going to jail. "Just curious what is it that you are charging me with?" The officer took a deep breathe, "we are charging you with offending an officer, and attempting murder". "Do you guys want a confession?" "Are you saying you will confess?" "Fuck if it will get me out of here then why not, I confess to offending the officer and almost killing Sofia" he handed a notepad and a pen "we will also need that in righting." I started to write my confession when I got distracted by my mom. My mom was crying and seem heartbroken, witch caused me to drop a tear. "Can I see her?" "Who, your mom?" "No shit!" I was loosing my temper "well maybe"

So hours later they ended up saying that I'll be in juvy till I turn 18 or my mom can pay the fine. The fine was a lot so if she was going to pay it I would at lease be in juvy for at lease 3 days.

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