Chapter 11- "Breaking News"

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Michael's POV

I made my way out of the front door of the hospital . There was a platform made with a large banner behind it with font as large as table mountain saying : Breaking News.

I made my way to the platform and took the pages that Frank handed over to me.

It was a mini speech written by him. I really didn't approve of reading someone else's work as my own. But I did it anyway for there was no time. 

I stood before millions of fans, journalists, editors, reporters...

"Good morning ladies, gentlemen, children around the world, my family....friends and my loyal fans. I know that many of you are quite frantic over the situation that's happening and I feel that you have the right to know all about it. The lady that is in hospital is my close friend, Chicago, and she is my PA. I assigned her this morning to be my employee. She slipped from the bridge while viewing the beautiful site. And One Direction are her friends from very long ago. She is not a crazed and psychotic fan who wanted to commit suicide to gain my attention. She is a fan, friend and employee of mine who had my attention for quite some time now"...

I paused for a second...and thought: What the hell am I reading?
I proceeded.

"She is beautiful and talented"...

I paused again and glanced over to Frank who gestured to me to keep on going.

"Though I am engaged, she is someone whom I can"...

I paused as I read the words after this and it was : "depend on"
This didn't sound too right. So I rather said :

"Can call my best friend when feel down and this is why I need to stay here for her"

I looked down to the page to see my next words and it said : "I hope to successfully kick start my tour tomorrow"

I knew what was happening. Frank set me up.

I turned the page upside down and said:
"My tour will not begin tomorrow unfortunately, until further notice".

The news reporters started attacking me.

"So who is she?"

"What does Tatiana say about this?"

"How did you know to save her?"

"Do you have any physical attractions to her?"

I looked down at the spots on my hands that were even lighter now. I didn't want to look up to my fans because there were many tickets sold out for this tour. It's just a general tour where I'd sing many of my songs from "Off The Wall" and "Thriller".

I didn't complete my "Bad" album yet. I just need to get a few songs more songs worthy enough for this album.

My fans come over anything, but now it was different. Frank come up to me and walked back to the hospital.

When we made it in, safely and soundly, he started yelling.

"What's the matter with you Mike! You just threw away your career for a bitch that you met yesterday?"

"Oh, you're judging me now!", I yelled back. "Keep talking, keep doing what you do best", I walked out to the limo, seen as the visiting hours were over.

Chicago's POV

So he's still engaged. I felt anger, rage and sadness engulf me. I saw him leave and get into his limo.

He said all those beautiful things about me but he doesn't come to see me..

"Switch it off, the tv, switch it off!", I raised my voice. The nurse switched it off quickly and said she'll go help fix supper.

All alone in a hospital room, the guards securing the door. I turned around onto my side, pulled the covers over my head and just wept.

I just longed speaking to someone who didn't judge me. I longed speaking to Michael.

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