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❝ We are made of all those

who have built and broken us. ❞



It didn't take long to get to the school the next day, and they were there by the time classes would've started for the day. Both of them being early risers, they were gone before anyone was even aware they were awake.

"I have to apologize to you. I was rude and reclusive yesterday, I'm sorry." Loki looked up at the building skeptically from the window of the cab, avoiding her gaze.

"I understand, though. It's quite alright Loki." He caught her hand and gave it a squeeze before she could get out of the vehicle.

"I have your back." She smiled as he released her hand, walking up the front steps together.

"Not one thing has changed," she mumbled to herself as she placed her hand softly on the front door, soaking it all in. Her brain buzzed with the business inside as she pushed on the door.

It was overwhelming to step in the entrance of the house again. Her heart swelled with joy and belonging. Though bad memories laced the good ones, she would always love the building. That and the company. Her eyes quickly fell on a tall, thin man, standing by the staircase.

"Welcome back."

"Hank," she gushed, rushing over and enveloping him in a hug. "Where's big blue?" He laughed lightly.

"He's just sleeping. I'm more suited to lab work looking like this." He adjusted his glasses on his nose with a small, lopsided smile. Heavy footsteps thudded down the staircase, stopping short of the bottom to take a drink of a beer.

"Look who finally made her way back," Logan teased and she rolled her eyes, unable to keep the smile off her face. "This the boy toy?" He gestured to Loki with his bottle.

"Logan," she hissed, her face flushing. "This is Loki. He's a coworker." She glared daggers at her long-time friend. He grinned and walked up to give her a hug, gesturing to his temple.

"See, what'd I tell you, they always come back."

He winked, much to her annoyance. Loki looked on at the interactions with interest, keeping his distance. There was so much history, so much shared between these people and he felt wildly out of place. Nela continued to speak with Hank as Logan approached him, a grim look on his face.

"Hey, pretty boy." Logan extended his claws on his right hand, holding them up to Loki's face. "You hurt her, and I'll rip your pretty little head from your fucking body, you get that?"

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