The End Of The End, The Beginning of The Rest

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Suddenly a huge light blinded me. I lunged through the air, everything went black.

"Oak wake Up!" a girl's voice yelled. There was a girl next to me, brown haired.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asked. She was laying on my shoulder. She looked so much like someone I knew.

"Umm...Magic?" I blurted. The guy across from her chuckled. "Sleeping Beauty's up!" he thumbs up.

"Who are you?" I ask. "Duh, I'm Kyle. Your best friend ever?" he waves his hands. I squint.

"Um..Oak, what's wrong?" she asks. "Who are you?" I ask.

"Your girlfriend silly!" she smiles."Wood Head." she flicks my nose

"Who? What?" I mumble. "Don't pretend you don't know!"

I'm not pretending.

I wish I was.

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