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I leaned back in my chair as I let the red caviar and cream cheese savor in my mouth. 

It was a very common Russian lunch, red caviar, with cream cheese or butter, and homemade bread. Sadly, I didn't have any homemade bread, but this one seemed to be just fine.

I frowned. I had been eating strange foods in the past days. 

'No, actually, you've had strange food cravings. The food itself isn't too weird.'

I stared outside the window. New York City was busy as usual, and that was also because summer was slowly coming to an end. 

It was already August 1st. I decided to wear an outfit that greeted August with a good note. A red and pink floral dress with white background seemed to be the perfect dress for today. It was slightly windy, so I found a matching rosy pink jacket, and uniform color stilettos. A pair of pearl earrings topped off the outfit perfectly.

 A pair of pearl earrings topped off the outfit perfectly

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I looked at my little desk calendar. Wow, it had been two months already. Two months since our anniversary. I smiled as I leaned back again and the memories from the memorable night filled my mind. Yes, a memorable night indeed.

I sat upright in my seat as my stomach began to turn and twist and send an awful feeling all through me. No, come on! 

I was going to go to the restroom, but something hinted to me that I wouldn't make it, and so I had to use the trash bag in my office to relieve my stomach. 

I groaned. Ugh, perfect memories interrupted with a little bit of a stomach flu.

My eyes went wide, plate-wide, as I abruptly stood up.

No, no, no... no way, no way at all. It can't be!

I stared back at my desk calendar. Yes, our anniversary was exactly 2 months ago, June 1st. Suddenly it all made sense. Everything made perfect sense.

I rushed out of the office. 

'Wait, Maria. You need a plan. A good one, this isn't... this isn't a little thing.'

I calmly and as collectedly as possible headed back to my office. Now, I had to think up of a plan.

My plan involved me being alone. I had to somehow leave the office for an hour or so without Alexander's eagle eye watching over me. The only time he allowed that was in Venice, with Lexi and Amelia. So, they had to be a part of the plan.

I quickly called up Lexi.

"Good afternoon, I got some spare time and it would be very delightful if we could get together in an hour, or maybe a little sooner? What do you say?" I asked as soon as she answered my call.

'Please, Lord, please let her be available and willing to take me out. Oh please!'

'That sounds lovely, Maria! How about we meet up at this little restaurant that Carol absolutely adores.'

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