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A shiver ran through my body followed by an uneasy feeling in my stomach. 

I was sitting on the airplane, with Misha beside me, heading to... New York City.

"Calm down, Maria. I can feel your anxiety all the way from here." 

I turned to face him. "Easy for you to say. Are you the one on an expedition to see your 'long lost' husband in the midst of his suffering?"

Misha just smiled. Kindly. 

"No, love. You've simply got the wrong mindset. Just imagine this as a trip to sightsee New York City."

I glared at him. Not kindly. I turned back to stare at the back of the chair in front of me.

I felt Misha's hand close over mine. I rush of energy flooded through me and little tingles traveled from it to my heart and stomach. 

He leaned down and whispered, "Seriously, Maria, don't you worry about it. This will be good."

I nodded. 

The plane finally began to land and the nervous feeling flooded through my stomach and the rest of my body. Misha's firm and supportive touch and his gentle and kind words helped take away the uneasy feeling but only by a bit.

As soon as we were allowed to leave the plane, we walked out. We didn't even bring any bags with us, because we would be leaving in the evening.

I looked around the city as soon as I had the chance to step outside. The streets were covered with piles of snow at the edges of the sidewalks. It seems there had been a nice snowstorm that washed the city.

Other than that, it looked exactly the way I had left it except for one daunting feeling.

It didn't seem like home anymore. For some funny reason, my definition of home completely changed and now it wasn't this large, busy city, and my office building with my husband.

Now, it was somewhere at the edge of this world, on another adventure, loving life. Now, it contained my baby and Misha and the crew. 

I smiled as I remembered Eugene, Stephan, and Shurik. 

He had given me a hug when I was leaving. Yes, it was an awkward hug and he didn't smile and he also had a knife in his hand, but it was still a hug. 

Stephan had mumbled a few words of encouragement. Sure, there were curse words in there and a well-disguised threat, but I still smiled.

And Shurik actually put away his gadgets for a few moments to say goodbye. He did also try to explain to me the way that an airplane works and how the physics allow it to fly, but for a few moments, his mind wasn't on a different planet. 

They were my family now, and being back here reminded me that all of this would end soon. I didn't want them out of my life yet. 

"Let's get this over with, alright?" I grumbled under my breath and marched off.

I wasn't even that worried any longer. I wanted it over with so I could be back... home.

Yes, yes, I felt guilty that home wasn't here with Alexander anymore. I couldn't help it, I loved the crew.

'Especially a certain somebody...' my brain whispered to me. 

'Yes! Yes! Okay? Yes, I'll admit it, is that what you want?' I yelled back.

"Darling, you should wait up. You're scaring the NewYorkers with your scary pregnant determined look." Misha laughed behind me.

I, however, did not laugh. I wanted this to end so I could just be back.

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