Part 5- Dusk till dawn (18+)

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Warning: the episode is intense and consists of detailed session of our beloved Jenshad. Please don't read if you cannot handle such stuff🙈 also let me know if you are liking my writing by voting on this and leaving comments.

Last episode of bepannaah airing and later...

After the day long drama they decide to watch their dream project come to an end. Tonight is the last time it'll be aired on TV. The project on which naihal and Anirudh had worked for two years, whose reading left Jenny teary eyed and the project which gave harshad his everything. The day's proceedings had already taken a toll on their minds and now all they needed was to just settle down for some quiet and peace. Naihal comes and hugs harshad. N: I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. This crazy woman right here (gently hitting jenny's head) can be a bumbler at times but you'll get used to this. And thank you for staying by her side at her lowest. H: I love you naihal. You're the reason why I've got her in my life. Thanks for everything and he kisses her cheek and they hug tightly. J: N you're my friend. This is unfair. Include me in. H: you should start looking for a new friend. She pouts making a sad face when Anirudh comes and gives her a bear hug. A: you'll always be a baby for us. We love you and are always here for you no matter what may.
N: okay ladies let's just order food and relax. Enough drama for today. And they share a laugh.
They order Thai food and take the couch to relax. Jen feels a pulsating pain in her head. Too much alcohol, cigarettes and drama can trigger a headache for anyone. Harshad observes that and excuses himself. He makes a concoction of egg yolk, tomato ketchup, salt, pepper, lemon juice, olive oil and Tabasco and whisks it up gently. The colour and the smell is repulsive and he just smiles at himself sinfully. He takes the mug to the living room and hands it to her. J: looks at it and then stares at harshad. H: what? Gulp it down in one go like you were devouring the alcohol sometime back. Who asked you to drink so much? It's bound to give you a headache. Now have this before we get any food in your body. It'll make your pH level neutral. J: which planet are you from? I'm not taking a sip of this. And where did you learn to make such potions? Says it in an irritated voice. N: Jenny, stop being a crybaby and do as he says. I support him. J: naihal! You've changed sides really quickly and I'm not liking it okay? And she continues to blabber until he takes the cup from her hand and forcefully makes her drink it. H: here have some water( passes her a bottle) J: I'm never going to forget this harshad. This was so bad. She says this amidst pointing to her throat coz of the bad taste. H: it's okay. I'll still love you and he blows her a kiss.
The episode starts and the two couples are on the couch. Cuddled up together. The episode seemed rushed. They knew the obvious reasons for such a rushed ending but had surrendered coz it was beyond their control. The ending was heavy for them.Aditya confessing of his wrong allegations, him breaking down,Zoya giving in to him and their last hug. That was tough to shoot but the end result which they saw on TV was beautiful. The episode ended. The ladies were sniffling. Jen looked up to see harshad sitting and staring blankly at the screen, tears trickling down his cheeks. She wraps her arms around him and gently wipes those tears and comforts him. She kisses him on the cheeks and he smiles and holds her back. They turn around to see naihal comforting Anirudh. Harshad looks at Jenny and she nods and they proceed to Anirudh. H: It's okay buddy. We know what this meant to you and it hurts but better things are coming(gives him a warm hug). And I'm really thankful to the two of you for giving me this show and this lady( holds Jen's hands) thank you for everything. N: are you going to kiss him now? O.o and everyone burst out laughing. They have dinner and finally the house is full of chatter and laughs. Breezer has settled near harshad's foot and dozed off. Naihal and ani take a leave. N: we'll see you tomorrow at Aditi's party okay? J: ohh shit! That completely slipped off my mind. We'll be there. And they bid them off.
J comes in and H follows. He starts cleaning up the dishes and the table. She's just standing there admiring him, thinking about how lucky she is to find a man with such magic and strength. He looks at her and she smiles and he forgets everything that transpired between the two and comes and holds her. He cups her face and looks into her eyes. She leans in to kiss him. J : let's crash our bodies and deafen the neighbors tonight. Lust overpowering her.
Hug me hard, kiss me deep, travel with me along the shores of my heart, look into my eyes and dive in the depth.Hold me close and cup my cheeks and kiss me again.He gently kisses her lips and then hugs her. H: or let's just stay like this tonight and talk and fall asleep in each others arms.
Jenny puts her arms around his neck playing with his hair. I think I need a shower before bed. Do you mind joining and winks at him. Harshad declines playfully. Jen gapes at him open mouthed pretending mock hurt. Did you just decline my offer? I'll make sure you pay for this in future Mr. Chopda. I will not forget and she leaves for a shower. Harshad gets ready for the night and gets under the covers waiting for her to join him. She walks out in a black satin dress with it's hem ending just below her butt. She looks ravishing and he just feels a rush down south and then realises that he needs to control. He diverts his mind and tells her. H: you are impossible. Is this how you try to seduce your future husband? Stop making it so hard for me. Jen laughs and blows a kiss at him. She continues applying the body butter on her legs and arms seductively trying to get a reaction from him and she knows it's driving him to the edge. She was awful to him and she has to apologize in some way.
Harshad in his head( stop it. Don't let the beast inside you unleash today. You have to control your urges today boy. You need to have a real talk with her) too bad! Last night I've mastered a new self control skill and all your tactics won't affect me. Plus I'm exhausted babe. Can't we just lie here and talk. She nods and gets into the covers with him. His arms fit around her perfectly. He gives a kiss on her head and holds her hand, their fingers entwined. She looks up at him and sees him smiling. J: I don't want to ruin this moment and I want to sleep taking shelter in your heart tonight but before that I want to clear things once and for all. I'm extremely sorry for my behaviour but you know I was hurt and I know it's no reason for me going around hurting people who genuinely care for me. I don't know what came upon me. There are times when I go into that zone and have to be snapped out of it or rather pulled out from the darkness. Naihal has been doing it for years now. And what you did today makes me all the more guilty. She looks into his eyes which are absorbing every single word spoken by analysing it. H: are you done or do you have more to say? She nods negatively. H : so you've got everything out now. It's my turn. Babe! Your sensitivity is not a sign of your weakness. Your sensitivity makes you beautiful. It makes you different and it makes you unique. I'm happy that you didn't hide this side of yours. And that you still feel it in your heart. Coz if you can't feel the hurt, how do I expect you to feel my love, to feel the sufferings of people around, to feel the care that people have for you. That's what makes you who you are. Promise me that you'll be at peace with your sensitivity and that you'll Cherish it. Promise me you'll not hide it. J : I'll try. I swear on us I will. But stay by me even when I flaw okay?
H: we fall in love with people's flaws. The perfect person would be impossible to love. We're all made up of flaws. That's what makes us beautiful. Just like the moon you see there, we have phases. And I'll be with my moon forever. He looks at her with his dreamy eyes and that makes her inside twirl. H : Life isn't always as we wish it were. But our love is more than I could have ever wished for. We've just started on this journey love. I want you to walk with me by the ocean, watch the sunset melt into oranges and blues, dance under the stars and look into these dense eyes for eternity.
J: seeing this mad love for me in your eyes makes me feel like I've already crossed many oceans. You know these 2 am talks, filled with sweet words and affection after our misunderstanding, bring me back home to love, to you. All I know is the kind of happiness I feel when I'm with you is something I haven't felt with someone else and i want you to stay with me. Because I can't afford to lose you. And she settles in his arms and hugs him tightly.
H: He tightens his grip on her and says. I'm here and I'm not leaving you for anyone or anything and get this straight. I WANT YOU FOREVER, ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS, as simple as that. His husky voice sends a chill down her spine. And in no time they doze of to sleep not remembering what were the last words they shared.

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