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Hey there you beautiful souls! The response on the last chapter has been overwhelming. The readership has gone down but those of you who showed their love and support, I'm really grateful to all of you. This is another long emotional update for you guys.
I hope you'll shower the same love and support to this one too❤️

PS: Do vote and leave comments. Inline ones are love.


It has been almost a month since that dreaded day. Things have become better now. Ofcouse they have their moments and some nights are rough but they sort it out within the bedroom walls. They are always there for each other. Some days have been tougher than the others. But they've come out stronger as a couple and much stronger as a family.

They are lazing in bed on Saturday Morning with Jenny lying in his arms. It was a happy day for them after so much chaos. Jenny laying on him, resting her head on his shoulder. After all the bumps they've had, they finally had a peaceful sleep. A sleep of comfort, where they know they've each others' back. Knowing no matter how much things go south, they will watch out for each other. Between them it was never about sex, nor about the exotic sex sessions. It has always been about the feelings they share. It has been about the madness they show. It's like that's the only way they know to talk. It is ground zero when these two chaos meet.

And here she is. Without any makeup. All messed up. He finds her the most beautiful not when she's all fancied up, but when she wasn't. And now when she was lying on the bed, her hair all a mess, talking about something that happened years ago. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

J: Harshad!!!!
H: Ummm Hmmm? You okay baby?
She looks up and wraps her body around his.

J: I couldn't have done it without you baby. In the time of crisis you were there. I was so lost and couldn't understand why everything was going against me. I was so weak and tired and had so much pain inside me. I was lost. But then you took me in your arms and kissed my wounds. All I can give you is my heart who has taken refuge in your heart forever.

H: Jen!!Look at me..why are you doing this to me? We took vows to handle life together. You..and long as we are together we can survive anything. I love you so much. You are my best friend, my love, my soulmate, my wife, my baby's are basically my lifeline. Maybe we are not perfect, but we share something that is.

J: I love you. You know the moment when she shared our first kiss, I felt it. It was right. It was true. My heart found its home. And I know you felt the same. It's in your arms, when all else is silent that I feel at home. You calm my day. And I love you. I really hope I haven't messed up what we shared. We'll have another one right?

H: Don't do this baby. Please? You had all the rights to be broken. I'm just relieved that you are okay? For sometime I felt I had lost you. And I was so scared. Our babygirl needs you. And so do I. Just promise me that we'll figure it out together. And ofcouse we'll have more babies. We'll have as many as you want. But let's just let your body recover. And we'll not try. It'll happen when it has to happen organically. Let's not stress over it. Okay?

J: Okay! Let's just go back to our life like it was a few months back. Amyra, Breezer, you and me. That's it. And our love. That'll overcome all the obstacles.

H: Do you want me to tell you things that'll comfort you?

J: Harshad! There's nothing else that comforts me like you do baby. I simply see you and everything else around seems utterly beautiful. That's maybe because of the love we share.

H: Our love is gum struck all over my face..the bubble got so big, it couldn't help but pop. Our love is sitting one pint of ice-cream in one sitting such thing is too much of a good thing. Out love is is the blanket that I keep forgetting to wash Jenn.. it's so soft and good that I don't want to change anything about it. Our love is when the shower turns my skin pink... I'm used to the warmness now. Our love is our bed every morning baby... can't get out of it. Our love is the show I'm rewatching...I keep finding new favourite parts Jenn. Our love is every place I've never been. So much left to see, even after all this time. I want only you. And I love you. You are so beautiful and I support you in everything I do.

JENSHAD-always and forever( LOVE LIVES ON)✓Where stories live. Discover now