Part 17- CRAZY IN LOVE(18+++++)

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Hello beautiful people! Look who's finally back. Apologies for the delay as life happened and I was facing a writer's block which made it even worse. And then when I started writing look what I have. 10000 words here😱 my longest update but I guess that's the compensation for the delay. I promise the future updates will be quicker. Also I've got a future plot ready so from next part onwards the story will run in the future. Coz these two hardly give us content. Anyways read this one and let me know.
PS: Don't forget to vote for quicker updates and drop in your comments!!
PPS: Detailed and graphic writing. So warning you in advance.

Jennifer is a lady made of storms and needs Harshad who has the radiance of a thousand suns to silence the chaos within her.  Together they are the collision of stars, made into one. Harshad takes care of her like a lady. He protects her and Jenny knows nobody can hurt her, especially in his presence. Her sole worry is his neverending desire to devour her. Harshad had taken her heart and placed it inside his ribcage and now treats it as his own. But she's still scared and skeptical about taking the next step.

Jennifer wakes up to find her arms wrapped around him, her head on his chest, his warm breath caressing her forehead, her breath warming his chest. For both of them, this is home no matter where that may be..She gets up, grabs a white shirt to cover her and moves out to meet Ruby and Supriya in the hall.

Rubina: Well well! Look who's finally getting some action. Did you guys miss each other that bad that you couldn't control till we reached Pushkar. Supriya: It's not their fault Rubi. Their hormones couldn't wait. And both of them guffaw only for Jen to shoot a stare at them as she takes the couch. J: What nonsense!!

Harshad took an early morning flight so he was tired. I hadn't slept properly either. So I asked him to sleep for a while. Supriya: And he asked you to wear his shirt. Right!! Rubina: And while sleeping they just collided and fireworks happened. The two are in splits again as Jen's cheeks are left flushed. J: whatever. I'm dog hungry. Let's eat. Supriya: We had ours while you were busy working out. Jenny shakes her head as she fills her plate with food and joins these two.

She goes to check on Harshad who's sleeping peacefully like a baby. Slowly she opened the door leading to the bedroom, her eyes had to adjust to the dark as she stepped into the room. Her nose caught a subtle hint of wood and musk. He was wearing her favourite scent. She was naturally drawn to him, and the atmosphere was only adding to her state of mind. There he was, lying on the bed wearing nothing more than that with which mother nature had blessed him. She looked at him, his peaceful eyes as she gets reminded of their love making a few hours ago. Her eyes get dark and flashy with lust. No words were needed.

She runs her hand on his perfectly chiseled abs, his shoulders and then cups his face.. tracing her fingers along the side of his pink lips. She definitely missed him. And more than that, how he he tasted her that she missed the most. All her life, men have fallen for her disarming smile and her body. And all this while, she had been waiting and longing for someone..who would fall in love with her scars. And that man was HARSHAD..

Harshad woke up to find her sitting there, gazing at him and listening to him sleep. She was wearing his white shirt and something insignificant as that, meant the world to him. She made it beautiful because it was draped on her divine curves.

J: Goodmorning baby.. slept well? And he nods feeling her warmth on his face. J: I love you, she says as she gazes into his eyes. And there's no doubt in his mind that it is true. The way she looks into his eyes, the way she holds him at times without uttering a word and because she knows what he wants her to say even before he has said it.

Harshad has a strong sixth sense. Some things he just knows and one of them is why he loves this semi-naked woman sitting next to him. Jen has given him her body, her heart. And has revealed the darkest secrets which no-one except him knows. Riddles in her casual yet witty remarks, her sly grin or the enigmatic laugh..Harshad knows it all. Pending fantasies, hidden longings, repressed memories and shameful cravings. Feelings and thoughts that might surprise or shock others but he knows his lady at the back of his hand now. Jenny is a mystery, a vault.. and only Harshad has the key to open it.
His fingers swept a strand of hair away from her nape, and Jen felt more naked than she's ever felt before in her life.

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