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First Burn
Started Writing:December 12th,2018
Actual Upload:December 19th, 2018

Time Era: Modern
Time Set: Idk
Warning:angst, Hamilton, and stuff.

                 Virgil POV
I held the papers in my hands. The soft paper wrinkled, my face fell.
The Patton Pamphlet
    By. Roman Hamilton

It was at this point where I wanted to put all of the Patton Pamphlet and replace names but I'm not...soo...pretend this is Roman confessing to his torrid affair.

I felt a tear drop fall down my check and anger swelled up inside. There was a soft knock and I mumble come in. I knew it was Roman. I felt his presence...

"I saved every letter you wrote me from the moment I saw you, I knew you where mine, you said you where mine. I thought you where mine...." I say not facing him and heard soft foot steps behind me.

"Do you know what Logan said when I told him what you have done? He said, 'You have married Icarus, he has flown to close to the sun.'" I finish and turn to him. Slowly he steps forward to me. Dark bags under his eyes and guilt sweeps over his face.

"Don't....take another step in my direction. I..can't be trusted around you! Don't think you can talk your way into my arms, into my arms!" I sang. He steps back a single tear drips down his once beautiful face. That now disgusts me...

I looked over back to the fire and picked up the letters we sent to each other. Just kids in love, when Thomas was only A young adult...

I look at the fire place and a soft smirk crosses my face. "I'm Burning the letters you wrote me. You can stand over there if you want...I don't know who you are...I have so much to learn...I'm re-reading your letters and watching them, burn" I continued on and took out first letter.

My Dearest, Virgil
What can I say....

I smirk and toss it into the fire. He lets out a soft sound. Like a whimper. "I'm watching them burn..." I whisper slightly and turned to him.

Tears flooding down my face and I wipe them with my sweater. The one Roman gave me two Christmas's ago. That Patton could Patton do this....

"You published the letters he wrote you. You told the whole world how you brought this boy into our bed! In clearing your name! You have ruined our lives!" I said and threw another letter into the fire.

Virgil my love,
      I have tried to talk to....

Our engagement letter....Me Asking him secrets...

"Heaven Forbid someone whispers, 'he's part of some scheme!' Your enemy whispers so you have to scream!" Flash backs of Roman and Deceit fighting. Yelling, getting louder and louder until someone shut them up.

"I know about whispers...I've seen how you look at my best friend...." Roman always did have a likening  to Logan. The longing looks at my nerd friend. With a small glimmer in his eye. It made me jealous but I stayed silent.

Roman opened his mouth to protest and I stopped him. "DONT!" I yell and hold the letters close to me. "I'm not naive, I have seen men around you! Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms! All your Charms!" Anger infested inside me and I was yelling.

"I'm erasing my self from the narrative! Let the fans wonder how Virgil reacted when you broke his heart! You have thrown it all away, stand back watch it BURN!" I threw five letters in only three left. The ones that captured my heart, "just watch it all Burn..."

I turn to him, "and when the time comes explain to the children the pain and embarrassment you put their idol through! When will you learn!" I got closer to him.

"THAT THEY ARE YOUR LEGACY! WE ARE YOUR LEGACY!" I yelled and stood back and tossed two more in. The flames roared.

"If you thought you where mine...." I smirk and look at the last letter before tossing it in. "DONT!"


I worked really hard on this one and even though it's under eight hundred words I actually really like how it turned out! Thanks everyone!

                    A Cinnamon Roll

Word Count: 727

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