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Logan and Roman share chocolate. Romantically...totally not a joke chapter.

This is kind of a joke

Third POV
"Patton give me...the fucking....chocolate!" Logan yelled and tackled the cinnamon Roll to the floor. Roman joined in and stole Patton's bag of Kisses.

"LETS GO TEACH!" He yelled and Logan got up and followed Roman. They both ran into Princey's bedroom. "Now we just have to make sure-..."


"Virgil doesn't find out..."

"To late..." Logan Says and they both look fearfully at the door. They sat there staring at the door adrenaline running and then they hear a thud right out side the door. "I forgot I locked it..." Roman says and smirks.

Both men crack open the door and see Virgil laying on the ground in pain. Logan sat a Hershey kiss on his chest and went back into Romans room.

"What would I do without you!" Logan says and pecks The princes cheek sitting down on the bed. "Well you wouldn't have a knight in shining armor that's for sure!" The Prince places a hand on his chest and beams with pride.

Making Logan Roll his eyes and throw a Hershey kiss at him. "Eat Your chocolate then lets watch Rent on Netflix (UPDATE THEY TOOK IT OFF NETFLIX WTF NETFLIX I WAS GOING TO REWATCH THAT!)

Roman cheered and jumped next to Logan cuddling close to the teacher as they turn on the tv.

All was fine until Virgil woke up...then...well...Patton cried a lot let's say...


I wrote this like months ago and never posted it. So yeah I'm trying to get back on schedule but I'm a lazy hoe!

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