DeceitXAnxiety Fluff

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                             guys didn't seem to like the last one of these I made but that's because it was angst...I still don't like Deceit that slimy boy...but I liked the idea. Also this might not be what ya wanted buttttttt....

Suggested by: xsavethatshitx

Third POV

Deceit rolled off of Virgil, his breath heavy. He looked over at Virgil and smiled before pecking his cheek and sitting up. They where the cutest dark side couple. Everyone knew to not mess with them. Little did they know their relationship would not last...

But ignoring that the two just shared their first sexual activity? The basically had sex. Virgil was sore literally all over, he couldn't move. Who would have know sex could be such a pain in the ass. Badum tst....(sorry I'm feeling very joking today)

Deceit went to go help Virgil clean up and get him dressed. He stepped into the bathroom and smiled to him self. He just made love to the most amazing boy in the world. They where the perfect couple, nothing could go wrong. Unless one wanted to leave... they never fought, and always cared for each other.

Sure the others can be assholes but who needs them when you have the love of your life. Deceit smiled again, feeling very bashful. He has small dark bruises from Virgil nipping at him and pressing his fingers into him. Hoping they would never leave Deceit left the bathroom wash cloth in hand.

He cleaned off the...fluids... and help Put on Virgils t-shirt and his boxers and helped him under the covers. It's funny to think only minutes earlier he was taking those items off. "How ya feeling?" Deceit grinned as he went to go find his clothes.

"I'm so tireddd, baaaabbeeeeee come onnn" He chuckled at the sound of his clingy boyfriend and decided to comply and went and got under the covers. "You know I love you right?" Deceit asks and held Virgil like he could break.

"Of course...I love you too." Virgil learned up and kissed Deceits jawline before nuzzling into his neck and falling asleep. Yet Deceit could not sleep. Even if he was super tired he couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy and think how lucky he is.

Virgil is everything he wanted...all he ever needed... And at this moment, Deceit never wanted to let go of him. So he brought him closer into his chest and decided to get some sleep.


Bro I hate the one a lot, like I had a good idea but it would have been angst but I loved the idea of a lovey Deceit cleaning Virgil up after they have their first time. It sounds precious!

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