MoralityXCreativty Smut

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I'm trying to do ships you don't see a lot so everyone's included, I don't wanna be one of those authors that only does Prinxiety and Logicality, because I ship them but I also ship everything.


Anyways here is some smut, requested by Shy_Guy666

Patton's POV

I never had sex, I was Christian, went to church on Sunday, never drank, never smoked, never made a grade lower then a A, and never had a girlfriend. Why? Because I was gay...

So I hid everything, put a shield around me so I look like some innocent being. I wore pastels, always had a smile on my face. My hair was free to be wavy and a light brown. (I love the thought of Patton having lighter hair and wavy hair, it sounds precious)

So High School came and passed, as well as College. I am working on becoming a Doctor. Life seemed pretty great ahead of me. Sure I was going on 24 and still single and a virgin. I like to believe that I'd find the right girl and settle down. I always wanted kids, just because I like the name Thomas for a boy and Valerie as a girl. (Don't ask I thought of Thomas and Thomas's friend Valerie)

Everything seemed amazing! Until I met Roman. My friend Logan and I went to go see Mean Girls, and I can't lie the actor for Aaron was hot. Like super hot. I think Logan noticed my fondness for him because he gave me a smirk. The show ended and we went to go meet the cast at the doors (I forget what it's called shhhh) My eyes landed on the cute actor and I felt butterflies fill my stomach.

I put on a strong face and go to greet him. "Hi Im Patton, you did really good out there!" Could you have said anything stupider Pat? Come on try to be cute! You got the look use it!!!! Thanks brain...

"Heh well...thank you, Patton..." God his voice. He signed my program and went to the next person. I mentally cursed my self for not asking for his number. The cutest guy I have ever seen was just in front of me... wait Patton what the hell are you thinking?

You can't show that your gay! You want to be Pediatrician do you really think parents will want a gay person to treat your kid? They think all gay people are pedos! "Patton that's just what you think, people are really accepting you know..." I jump at the voice and notice Logan smirking at me. "Was I talking out loud?"

Logan nodded and I blushed and began to walk slightly quicker. "Well that's embarrassing..." Logan chuckled and shook his head no. "No it isn't Patton, you have a right to think these things. I didn't think my boyfriend would accept me when I told him I was asexual, turns out he is asexual too, and my parents are glad I can't get anyone pregnant. Trust me times are changing Pat. I'm a teacher, a gay teacher and my students love me!" Logan exclaimed trying to cheer me up obviously. He always acted more cheerful when talking about his job and boyfriend. Virgil and him where pretty freaking adorable I can't deny that.

"Maybe your right...maybe your right..."


I get home and begin to look through the Program hoping to find that actors name and look him up on Instagram. That's when I spot it, on the front cover in red ink,

My names Roman
(123)456-7890 call me
Xo baby

My face flushed, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I grab my phone and text Logan.

To Logan:

Logan🤓- REALLY? Oh my goodness, this is a pleasant surprise. Are you going to text him?

Patton🐶-I don't know maybe...should I?

Logan- Yes, you couldn't take your eyes off him during the entire show. This might be your chance!

Patton- I don't know Lo...what if he isn't gay...

Logan- Tell me exactly what it says on the paper.

Patton- My Names Roman, [phone number] call me Xo baby

Logan- Pat he is totally into you! Listen your going to be 24 soon, you have to start getting out there. I am not letting you die alone, you didn't let me be alone, so you don't either.

Patton- your right! Okay I'll message him!

Logan- 5






Logan- Patton, Virgil and I are coming over in the morning for breakfast. We will sort this out then. Go to bed you need your sleep it's almost midnight.

Patton sat his phone down and plugged it into the charger. He got up and removed his clothes and put his Cat hoodie on and crawled into bed. "Roman....Roman...goodness his name is pretty."

The last thoughts where of Roman before I fell into a deep sleep.



I sit up in a jump and hit snooze on my alarm clock. God I hated it, I made it Logan screaming Falsehood so it would wake me up. It sure as heck did its purpose. I get out of bed and groggily go into the kitchen and start boiling water. I do my daily routine of drinking tea, watching cartoons, shower, get dressed, and make breakfast.

I sat on the counter as I ate glaring at my phone. Like it was some evil object... technically it is, it controls my entire relationship with everyone. Including the guy, his contact was already made.

What would I say?

What if he did this to every guy? He didn't do it to Logan, maybe your special. Wishful thinking Patton...

It took thirty minutes for Logan and Virgil to arrive at his apartment. And another forty five minutes to get Patton to give up his phone. "Come on Pat, what's the worst that can happen? We are not in school anymore you don't see him everyday!"

"Yeah Pat, as the cool kids say 'Yolo"

"Don't say Yolo honey...."

"Sorry Virge..."

"FINE!" Patton shouts frightening the two gays. Patton unlocks his phone pulls up his number and quickly types up something.

Hey I'm Patton, the guy from the theater. Would you like to hang out soon? Xoxo 😘


"OH MY GOD HE DID IT" the two shout at the same time and tackle me into a hug. "I'm so proud!" Logan says and I giggle and hug back. That was a huge relief. Like honestly, to get that off my chest everything feels- OH MY GOD IT SAYS HE IS TYPING!

"He responded! What does it say!?!"

From Roman Prince

Sure wanna get some Lunch? ;)

I squeal and basically threw my phone. "OH MY GOD!"

"RESPOND, SAY YES!" The mixture of them cheering me on became overwhelming and I panicked. "SHUSH!" I snapped at them and they instantly became quiet.

Slowly I typed out

To Roman Prince

Yeah! Anywhere specific you'd like to go?

My anxiety was killing me. Which is a strange thing saying I don't usually get anxious. That's Virgil's job, you could say he is the living embodiment of anxiety. Yet Logan somehow deals with him. I know how to deal with his panic attacks from him living with me yet Id say it did make me loose sleep because usually they where night terrors from his past- AHH HE RESPONDED

From Roman Prince

Uhhh I

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