CreativtyXLogic Angst

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Angst I suck at it but here we go!

Third person

"You never pay attention to me!"

"Yeah I do dumbass, maybe if you stopped staring at every guy that walks back you'd notice!"

"I do not do that!" They where fighting again. Everyone in their shared apartment knew. Virgil and Patton knew as soon as their first fight happened, they wouldn't last. Everyone said they wouldn't last over a year.

Yet two years later the couple still are together. Yet held a strong hatred for each other yet they still love each other. The two yelled at one another for another ten minutes when Roman went quiet.

He noticed everything about Logan, how when he is mad his hair falls in his face and glasses slide down his nose. How even if he is shouting he is still the prettiest person he has ever seen. "ANSWER ME!" Logan screeched. Like literally screeched you could tell that Roman ignoring him was really getting on his nerves.

"Logan this isn't going to work." His dimeter instantly changed. From the mad furious man he once was now was hurt and felt emotions wash over him. Something that he was not very good with. "Wh...what?" You could hear his voice break.

This was possibly the most painful thing for Roman to do. "All we do is fight..." Logan tried to grab Romans hand but the creativity side instantly pulled back.

"I'm...Ro...No...No please I love you...I love you so much..." Logan now had tears forming in his eyes. The ones that Roman use to adore. Now they only held the past. "I love you too Logan...just...we can't be together if all we do is fight. It's not healthy for either of us..." Roman knew at any moment he would break down and start crying. Yet he had to stay strong, this was for the best.

Logan couldn't speak, he opened his mouth but all that left was a small whimper. His hand covered his mouth and he nodded. Now allowed the tears on the edge of his eyes spill. The two sat in silence. The most painful silence there ever was or had been between the two. Logan stood up and left the room.

He didn't know what to do so he went to the only person he knew could help...Patton...

Knocking on Pattons door he heard talking on the other side. Patton opened the door and his eyes widened seeing the state the usually uptight man was. "We broke up..." the words left his lips and he broke down. The tears couldn't stop flowing. Patton on instinct hugged Logan and quickly, Virgil, Who was in the same room approached wondering what happened.

"Lo what's wrong?" Virgil asked and Logan couldn't respond he just broke down more. The two boys took Logan into their room trying to cheer him up by watching his favorite movies and eating ice cream.


Roman regretting his decision. The moment Logan left he wanted nothing more then to go after him. He almost did, rushing up to the door as soon as it closed but he's weak. Falling to the ground on his knees finally letting everything go. Minutes pass and Roman needed to get away. Calling his friend Thomas, he packed his bag and left.

Two weeks later

The state both where in is indescribable. Both broken and depressed men barley left their room. Or well Thomas's couch in Romans case. Logan didn't understand how much emotions could hurt.

Until he lost everything, he became a emotionless man. His students noticed something was up instantly. The usually bright and energetic teacher was now dull and boring.

Romans career took a brake. He didn't wish to try for any shows at the moment, and all he felt like doing was crying.

It was obvious the two can't live without each other.

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