MoralityXLogic Fluff

564 20 13

Suggested by KyrillionB

Third POV

Both boys where oblivious to the max of each others feelings. It was pretty cliche.

Cinnamon roll loves smart boi
Smart boi loves cinnamon roll

You couldn't get more fluffy then that. Except for the fact that they are both sitting very close to each other knees touching, hands settled upon one another. Yet both had their eyes focused on the intense game of bang going on in front of them. (It's a theater game, I am not explaining it)

Between Virgil, Remy, Roman, Deceit, and Thomas. The two cinnamon rolls got out quickly, Logan not caring and Patton getting overly excited.

"Wait a minute..." Thomas said and everyone paused. Seconds pass and Roman follows Thomas's eyes. To see the two glasses boys holding hands. "YOUR HOLDING HANDS!"

Everyone practically squealed and both boys instantly flew away from eachother. "WE WHERE NOT" Patton says.


"Aww they are in love!" Remy added on. Both boys blushing and avoiding all eye contact.

" we aren't."

"Are we?" Logan asked and Patton froze and looked at Logan. Everyone looked at Logan. Deceit was the first to break the silence he pointed at Thomas and said Bang.

"Damnit!" Thomas says, he didn't duck so he was out. The game continued and a few seconds later Logan excused him self to his bed room. Embarrassed, and ashamed of how he behaved leaving the room he basically sprinted back to his room.

Guilt swelled up in his chest, he shouldn't have said anything. Now he ruined every chance at dating Patton while embarrassing him as well.

Although Patton didn't see it that way. Logan's words circled in the morality's mind and a light blush dusted his cheeks. One particular thought made him blush.

'Can Are we be our Okay....'


BWAHAHAH OKAY I DIDN'T REALLY WANNA END IT THAT WAY BUTTTTTT IM KIND OF DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE I DONT REALLY SHIP THE SHIP. I'm sorry whoever requested it I promise that I did have a whole plan for it yet it started taking a long time and I lost interest...

Excuses are my specialty

I'll shorten it down...I lost interest



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