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So this is late.....and short sorry guys!

Warning: making out, random emotions, damnit Patton

Emotions-a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Says the Wikipedia Dictionary, For me, Emotions where not in my vocabulary. I had no emotions, I am the logical side. If I did have any emotions it would be pointless!

Because I wouldn't know how to handle them.....

I frown and close the dictionary tab on my computer. To every dictionary an emotion is feeling something. I feel stuff all the time I just don't know what it is. I stood from my desk and flopped onto my bed groaning into my soft feathered pillow.

Then a soft knock on my door made me sit up. I groan and I open the door to see Anxiety. "Virgil!" I exclaim, to be honest I was expecting to see him. You see Virgil didn't really like me. Even though I feel weird around him.

Virgil didn't really like anyone, except for Patton and Thomas. Those two He was cool with. Oh how I wished Virgil was comfortable around me. I could ask why I felt this way.

"Sup Nerd, I was uh wondering if you wanted to watch a movie don't have to....I mean would you like to?" He said it so quickly and so unsure. "Uh...sure!" I say and Virgil gives me a true genuine smile.

Why was he acting, this was so new. Virgil never liked me.

Virgil's PoV

Fear-a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

An emotion I feel every single day of my life. It might not be at a particular moment. But once reality hits fear slaps me as well. This emotion is what brings me to now.

Standing outside Logics bedroom, debating if I should knock or not. I, Anxiety had a crush on Logan. Thanks to Patton I realized that. Although he didn't like me at all, we fought a lot. Bring my self down, I'm not good enough for him, I am unattractive (even though we look the same) I am Unlovable...

Author Chan: it was at this point I knew....MY WORK DIDNT SAVE DAMNIT!

I asked him to go to watch a movie with me. So here I am ten minutes later. Sitting in the theater room with Logan watching 'The Blair Witch Project' (random but I watched it today and it's lit)

I smiled as he had a look of confusion on his face. The way he could get so interested in things fascinated me. "You know it's not nice to stare...." Logan says turning to me and I jump. I notice from the light of the tv he had a reddish tint to his face.

"Look I'll keep this short and sweet...." I say and Logan raises an eyebrow. "I really like you...." I say and he freezes. Not even giving any focus to the TV. It was just us.

His lips part as he is fixing to say something, but "HEY KIDDOS!" I jump and look over to see Patton. "Way to go Patton they where have a moment!" Roman says and The Morality trait frowns. "Wait was I ruining a moment?" Patton asks and Logan finally says something. "Uhhhh kinda..." I cut him off.

"No you weren't..." I sternly say and stand up walking away. God ughhh why did I do that. I confessed he froze he didn't say anything and I was a jerk. Way to fucking go Virgil! (Mood honestly)

I enter my bedroom and slammed the door shut. Instantly regretting it because that usually means Thomas now has a headache. Loud noises we make just give Thomas major headaches.

A knock on my door scares me. I go over and open it. There in the flesh was Logan!

Oh joy! I love seeing the person I was just an ass to for no reason. "Let me get this straight....."

(Lol straight was the 666 word)

"Even though I'm not, you like me?" He asks and I nodded. Without a single word he kisses me. Grabs me by my hoodies and kissed me.

Of course I kissed back slowly melting into the kiss. Getting a new feeling at the pit of my stomach. As we parted only a small gap kept us apart. "I like you too..." Logan say and we kiss once again.

"Hey kiddo- whoaaaa EEEEEE ROMAN GET IN HERE MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!!" We pull apart and Patton was at my door squealing. I look over and see Logan taking deep breaths his glasses disheveled and hair a mess. I smirk proud of how I made him.

"Uhh...." Roman says walking up. "Patton you ruined another moment!" Roman says and drags Morality off. "Well Virge....I uh got to go....I'll talk to you later..." Logan says three seconds later.

He pecks my cheek before exiting my room. Leaving me a grinning mess with a small problem ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Word Count: 874

A Cinnamon Roll

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