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This isn't romantic this is just fluffy platonic!

Warning: Fluff, guys bein dudes, dudes bein guys, dudes bein me your dick...sigh vine...

Third person

A storm rolled in (forgot to mention this takes place in a irl au where they are all their own individual people and not a part of Thomas). It wasn't uncommon to have a storm make its way through Florida. Which is why Virgil hates Florida. The boy was absolutely terrified of storms.

His boyfriend was usually there to help him through them but he was currently in New York for the next week doing a special show on Broadway. The news forecasted no storms for this week so Virgil thought he would be fine.

Yet little did anyone know a gigantic thunder storm came out of no where causing flooding and extreme anxiety attacks. Debating on who to call he decided to text Patton and ask if he was here. Usually Patton, Virgil's best friend, was hanging with his boyfriend Deceit. (I think they are kind of cute so put a sock in it)

Yet it seemed luck was on the boys side because Patton almost immediately answered. "Hey Virge!" Virgil immediately calmed down slightly at his cheerful voice. "Hey...Um can you come over?" Virgil was scared to ask knowing that Patton lived two flights of stairs below him and that he will probably get rained on a tiny bit.

"Of course Virge! I'll be there in five!" Virgil said his goodbyes and sat his phone down returning to the couch. Virgil had tried reading and painting his nails to calm him down. Yet nothing seemed to work, not even after painting his nails a pretty blue and a white crown on them. Usually that calms him down yet the loud thunder and lighting surrounding him made him nervous.

That's when Virgil felt a sinking feeling in his gut. What if Patton got shocked by lighting? What if the apartment building caught fire? As this though crossed his mind he picked up a book and threw it across the living room hitting one of romans shelves and making a few of his non breakable collectibles (thankfully) fall and not break.

Virgil groaned in annoyance, why did he have to be this way? Why couldn't he be normal person and actually like storms? Flying back hitting his head against a throw pillow he heard six loud knocks that went all over the door. That's how Patton liked to tell people he is here. Knocking all over the door. The anxious filled boy rolled off the couch and sluggishly moved to the front door.

The minute he opened the door Patton tackled him in a hug. "Virgil don't be scared!" It was at that moment he realized how he must have looked to the blond haired boy. Shaking and pale, he must have looked horrible. Instantly Virgil was ashamed in how he was behaving. Yet the loud thunder quickly washed those thoughts away and he hugged Patton back.

Patton closed the door with his foot and grinned at Virgil. "Since I know how much you miss Roman, I was thinking how about we watch some Disney movies! I'll let you pick the first one, while I go make snacks!" Virgil nodded and went into the living room turning the tv on. Since they lived in Florida and like said earlier it storms a lot, they have excellent electricity so it's rare that the power goes out.

Virgil goes to Netflix's and finds one of his personal favorites, Hercules. (I LOVE IT LOTS) then he fell back into the couch waiting on Patton. It wasn't that long before Patton came in with popcorn and chips as well as two wine glasses and a large soda Virgil bought two days ago. Saying both boys barley ever drink they use the wine glasses for soda so they can feel at least somewhat fancy.

They sat on the floor in front of the coffee table. Virgil in Patton's lap just watching the movie and eating. Occasionally they both sing along to the songs, but it was Roman that would usually belt the songs. (Okay some might think it's weird but I sit and cuddle with my friends so this isn't in any way romantic and they are not cheating) Virgil almost spat his drink out at one part of the movie that he laughed so hard he had to pause it.

By the time the movie ended Patton and Virgil where on the couch both asleep.


Whoa another one gurl I actually am one with the fandom again. Whoop whoop! Anyways I'm not editing this so yeah...

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