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Me- I have four stories needing to be written! What am I thinking?!?!

Anxiety- They will never get done....

Me-oh hi Anxiety!

Anxiety- yeah hi, anyways you need to Work on your chapters.

Me-don't blame me creativity has been lacking!


Me-aren't you suppose to like make me motivated?

Anxiety-and keep me from activating

Me-Anxiety your always taking control....

Creativity- yeah that's true, hell you had three anxiety attacks yesterday when you had your friends over!!!!!

Me- well I don't like noises plus some shit went down and stuff....

Anxiety- they don't listen

Me-shush! I am just sensitive and I'm getting sick so everything is setting me off.

Creativity- plus you had horrible migraines all night!

Me-well that's because.....Periods?

Creativity-of course! Those bloody scoundrels always set you off!

Me-was that a pun?

Anxiety- I hope-

Creativity-YES! I am a genius it was a pun I am the pun queen!

Me- well I'm just gonna go work on a Story...and hopefully finish it...although probably not...

A Cinnamon Roll

Sander Sides One-Shots (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now