Mall Fun

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A day st the mall with meh bois!

Word Count:1014

Thomas- Okay I strictly have to get Christmas presents for my family and friends so you guys go do something.

Roman- Peace I am off to find my knight in shining armor!

Virgil-*grumblig something inaudible* later...

Logan- Well I guess that leaves me with you pat- patton?

Patton- *from half way across the mall* IM GOING TO LOOK AT THE PUPPYS!

Logan- Great Im alone...

Deceit- you still got me...

Logan- I rather not, in the words of Virgil. *pulls out card* Thot Begon!

Deceit-...asshole...*goes off to be deceit and probably buy drugsvor puppy's from the back Payless*

Thomas- Hmm they scattered focus...Thomas focus...and holy crap that's a cute boy............FOCUS! It's kind of hard to focus without Logan...maybe I should go find the sides? Nah i told them I didn't need them and I ment it.

~cut to Virgil in Hot Topic~
Virgil- ugh I don't under stand why these shirts are so expensive. (So I know hot topic workers don't usually approach you but yolo I need to tea to be spilled)

Random Girl- HI! Would you like any help?

Virgil- uh no thank you....*tenses up*

Random Girl- well see I'm not suppose to hit on Costumers, but your so freaking cute. I'm Ashley...

Virgil-...*brain* why is this girl hitting on me...for one she looks like a kid! And for two I'm gay and for three well I'm GAY!

Virgil- uhhh Im Virgil....*brain* if I go along with it maybe she will leave me alone.....

Ashley- well here is my number...*hands him a small piece of paper*

Virgil-yeah okay...*the girl goes back to the counter and starts whispering to her fellow employee* hmm *smirks and picks up a t-shirt with a gay pride flag on it* I'll never wear it but Thomas can have it. *goes to get it checked out*

Other Girl-*burst out laughing*

Ashley- *looking mortified as Hell checks out the shirt and watches Virgil leave.*

Other girl- *once virgil left the store* I FUCKING KNEW IT!

Virgil- Okay time to go find Thomas.....

~Patton with Puppies~

Man- sir for the tenth time please leave.

Patton- five more minutes!


Patton-please don't yell at me!

Man- Sir if you don't leave I will have to call security...*nods to front desk lady...*

Patton- *goes back to Puppy's* awwww...

Man-I'm too old for this shit...

Security- excuse me need to leave...


Security-Alright lets go!

Patton- *stands up and starts running*

Logan with People

Woman- How the hell am I suppose to know what that means.

Logan- ma'am you work at a book store. Maybe you should pick one up and read it!

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