CreativtyXLogic Smut

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Aggressive, passionate, lustful sex
Part 2 owo

Third POV

Roman slammed the door behind him and turned around. Logan's eyes widened, you could basically see the steam raiding off of him. "You have reached a new low Logan...talking to my cousin?"

"Roman I didn't do anything, he is just my friend. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know!" And it starts, the shots where fired and now they really where going to go at it. All the pent up of emotions spilled out of both. "Oh please you where basically drooling on him!"

"Remus isn't even my type Roman!"


The two went back and forth this time something snapped. Logan snapped, he doesn't know what set him off but next thing he knew his hand went across his face. Romans head went to the side and his body followed. Both their eyes widened.

"Oh my god...Roman...I'm...I'm so sorry... I don't know what came out of me..."

Roman was still in shock. His face was red, Logan didn't know if it was out of anger or the hand print on his cheek. Seconds pass and Roman finally comes to his sense. Within seconds Roman pounced onto Logan pressing his lips to his.

He didn't know what turned him on more, the fact that Logan had slapped him of the fact that it's the first time Logan has touched him in so long. Logan instantly kissed back his eyes fluttered close and he instantly forgot everything.

It was like their first kiss, except more anger held into it. Roman pulled away and noticed their new position. Logan was below him, flushed red hair a mess panting. "Slap me again..."

You didn't have to ask Logan twice, he instantly smacked him upside the head. It was like electricity went through him and landed right in his area. He was more turned on then he has possibly ever been. He went back down and kissed Logan once again then began to trail down his jaw. "Ro..."

"Just shut the fuck up and let this happened..." Roman hissed back and sunk his teeth into Logan. Logan groaned at the painful feeling yet the pain just went straight to the erection he now had. Roman made sure to leave a bruises all across his neck. Logan threw his head back giving him more access. Short breaths left his lips, he knew there was no way to hide these.

Seconds pass and Roman goes back up and kisses Logan. Giving him his all. Logan was in pure bliss as the man unbuttoned his shirt and threw his tie off in a direction unknown. Roman was in full dominice mode. Wanting to make Logan never go back to plain vanilla sex. To make him realize how they shouldn't fight just take it out in bed.

Logan was now half naked his pants on the floor his boxers tight against him. "Roman please..." the logic trait whined only to have Roman cover Logan's mouth. His eyes went wide realizing what Roman was doing. Cutting off his breathing, something Logan enjoyed very much but due to Roman leaving bruises on his neck they had to stop it.

Roman grinded down on Logan and slowly removed his shirt. Skillfully never making a hand leave Logan's mouth until Logan was close to passing out. The minute Roman moves his hand Logan moaned and gasped for breath. Soon both where naked, Roman straddled the taller boy who's face was flushed and he looked like a porn star. His glasses where across the bed on a pillow.

Roman traced the curves of Logan's chest. "Such a pretty boy..."

The logical trait seemed to have liked the praise saying he let out a loud gasp and moan. "Who do you belong to?" Roman asks and Logan tries to answer yet his words seem to not work. Roman slapped Logan across his nipples and Logan yelps.

"Yours! I belong to you Roman! No one else..." Once again Roman slapped Logan across the perk nipples. "Who am I?"

Logan blushes realizing what he wanted him to call him. Something they haven't used in a long time. "Daddy! Your my daddy! Oh please do something!" Roman smirked and grabbed a hold of Logan's length leaning down and kissed him. The logical traits mind was fuzzy as he only knows of the passion and pleasure coming from this.

Logan usually was a switch yet he'd bottom for Roman any day. The way Roman usually treated him was soft and gentle yet today was aggressive and passionate. All their feelings and emotions pored out. "Ro please!" Logan cried out and Roman smacked him again across the chest. "Use your words!"

"Put something in me! Anything! Please! Oh god please Daddy!" Roman smirked and nodded okay leaning down to peck Logan in the cheek before going over to the night stand and pulling out the lube. By the time Roman returned Logan was sitting slightly up and had his glasses on.

He looked like a masterpiece, his brown hair fallen in his face. Cheeks lightly pink, body on full display. Roman nearly lost his shit and took him right then. The lighter brunette sat down on the bed and pulled Logan towards him and began to kiss his neck. Logan's back against Romans chest his breath quick and little huff and moans left him. Roman, have done this a billion times, never let his lips leave Logan's neck as he lifted Logan a bit and slide a lubed up finger inside him.

A familiar warm feeling engulfed his finger and Logan let out a moan. Louder then probably intended but Roman enjoyed it neverless. Then again he wasn't sure if Thomas and Patton where in the other room. Sure Patton is anything but innocent, and we know Thomas isn't innocent. They still didn't want everyone to know that they are fricking. (Remember kids if PewDiePie says it, and gets ads, it's not a cuss word)

Roman moved his hand over Logan's mouth and inserted another finger and Logan's eyes ran into the back of his head and he let out a muffled moan. "Gotta be quiet baby boy..."

A few minutes of prep go by and Roman turns Logan around to face him. He lubes his mini prince up and Logan slowly goes down on it. Romans lips touched his and they shared a French kiss. Logan's hands went to Romans hair and he yanked it when he brushed his prostate.

Roman took control and grabbed Logan's hips as he rode him. Groans and moans left both men's mouths as they got close and close to climax.

They switched positions so Logan was on his back and Roman was on his knees. He got deeper that way, not even a minute passed and Logan came with a silent scream. Roman helped him with his high before coming inside Logan quickly after.

The two came down from their high and Roman got up to go get a wash cloth and clean them up. After they got cleaned up Logan threw on Romans sweatshirt and Roman just wore his boxers and the two cuddled for the rest of the day glad for their relationship to be repaired....


Yup it sucked but idc I lost motivation

Soo yeah :P

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