Side Smut Shot

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I don't usually count Remy as a don't expect him to become a regular in the book. It's my opinion but I'll write a short story because I like the idea. (the text is from a friend and I)


Suggested by Solangelo0potterhead
Remys PoV

"Roman I'm so tired of your bullshit!"


I had enough of his bullshit and decided to just take control. This fight was stupid anyways. I don't care if you think that sleep is pointless you don't start fights with me. Because I end them! I pushed Roman back so he fell back onto the couch. I leaned down and stuck both my hands beside his head and leaned close.

Our lips where only centimeters apart. "Remy...what are you doing?" Romans voice was quiet. He seemed frightened, I smirked at the thought. The all mighty Roman falling apart. It was delicious. I finally pressed my lips to his shutting my eyes and it took and second but he kissed back I bit his lip and he denied access causing me to move my hand to the bulge in his pants. He gasp and I began to massage his dick. I took the chance to enter my younger in his mouth taking in everything.

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