AnxietyXCreativty Smut

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Suggested by kittiesrcutest66

Hold on tight's gonna be bumpy...


Dom Virgil's PoV

I am not usually a aggressive most people....but....I don't let people fuck with me. No matter what...

So when Roman King decided to strut into the cafeteria that day head strong on finding me, I was prepared. We where not officially dating, but we both liked one another and I constantly teased him. Roman seems like he could dominate everyone in school. But in reality he is such a bottom!

Sure we haven't had sex yet but from the way he acts when I sneakily grind against him when we are making out or grab his butt in the hallway. Again we are not actually dating, we think putting a name to the relationship we have will be to much. We are still there for eachother, but we both know there might be others in the future so we want to wait.

At least...I want to wait....Roman on the other hand just wants to say someone is dating him.


I snap out of my thought and glare at the actor standing over me. "Yes Princy?"

"Can we talk?" He asks his voice extremely loud and many people are now looking over. "Sure Roman what's up?"

"Do you like me?" He asks and I felt my face flush. He was loud enough to be heard by others. While from afar it looked like we have been dating but in reality it was a mess. My eyes widened and I felt anger, fear, and nervousness build up inside.

I close my eyes hoping this was all a dream. Yet when I opened my eyes I saw lots of people around me and Roman using his big puppy dog eyes at me. My face turns dull and I purse my lips. I grab Romans hand and stand up. "Come on..." I proceeded to pull him out of there and into the boys bathroom down the hall.

There was a small freshman there (9th grader) "Get Out..." I hissed and he scrambled outside not even washing his hands. "Virgil...I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinkin- Mphfm" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. I was going to punish him. Because the moron put me on the spot. As I pull away I examine the word I have done.

I with one harsh kiss I made his knees weak and face red. "You never fucking think do you?"

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