Jump Starting Your Car 'Cause The City's A Bore

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[[Slight NSFW, nothing much it's a make out scene but thought I would put in a warning 'cause it gets a little steamy if you catch my drift ;))))]]

Keith was quacking from the shivers that consumed his body. It was a lot colder outside then he anticipated it being. The winds low in the park weren't helping either, but the Omega refused to untie and wear the plaid shirt that hung around his waist.

"You're going to get hypothermia," Lance said, arm around Keith's waist in an effort to keep him warm.

"It's not nearly chilly enough for that, and I'm not even cold," Keith sighed, his body betraying him as a wind crept gown his exposed arm, causing him to shiver.

"Uh huh, whatever you say Cariño," Lance replied, tightening his grip on Keith's waist.

In all honesty, the Omega really just wanted Lance to him the green jacket that he had put on before walking into the park. He felt like it would be too awkward to ask for it so he did so by refusing any other option. After a moment more of walking Keith brought his arms up, wrapping the back one around Lance's waist and placing the other over the Alpha's chest where he could feel his heartbeat. As soon as he touched it the Cuban's heartbeat went erratic, and Keith looked up at his face from he had rester on Lance's shoulder to find the taller blushing deeply. The Omega just smiled and suddenly pulled on Lance's sweater where he had placed his hand, urging him onto the grass away from the lamps along the walking paths and into the darkness.

"Where are you taking us Cariño?" Lance asked, just a little apprehensive about being ushered into the darkness. Keith just shushed him and kept walking forward.

"It'll be great. I promise," Keith whispered, feeling like he shouldn't be to loud in the cover of night.

"Keith seriously just-"

"I'm going to go whether you join me or not," the Omega said calmly.

Lance tensed his arm around Keith, letting a protective scent surround them as he growled, "I'm not leaving you alone here."

Keith could feel his heart almost jump out of his chest, shit that was kinda hot. "Then I guess you're coming with me," he said shakily. Lance just smirked at the loss of cockiness in the Omega's voice.

"Fine, I guess I am."

They walked deeper into the grass for a moment longer before Keith abruptly stopped and let go of Lance. The Alpha wanted to immediately reach out and grab Keith again, wanted to keep him at his hip. The dark was unpredictable, and he wanted to protect the smaller male, but he couldn't. He couldn't because even though Keith was an Omega and it was primal for Lance to care on a certain level, Keith wasn't his Omega no matter how much Lance wished so in the moment.

What whAT? Lance mentally slapped himself for thinking such a thought. This only his second date with the Omega! The thought of marking him should be out of his head. Poof gone! Blam destroyed! Pow incinerated! The thought shouldn't have even been there in the first place! Why-?

"Hey Lance, are you alright? I know it's dark but look up at me, I promise it'll be worth it."

Lance wasn't even aware that he was looking at his shoes, but Keith was so right when he said looking up would be worth it. Because when Lance looked up Keith was the only thing he could see. The sky away from the lights were filled with stars and the moon shone beautifully against the Omega's pale skin. His midnight hair was pulled in just the right way and his violet eyes were large and soft, his smile the sweetest thing Lance had seen in a while. His natural blush from the cold made the Omega look godly. The Alpha could feel his heart stop for a moment as he took in Keith in a whole new way. His heart couldn't handle it when the smaller male smiled at him with such an unconditional expression on it.

I think he's is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.

Keith blushes madly at the Alpha, a bashful look overtaking his face. "You don't just say those kinds of things out loud Lance!" he sputtered.

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did dipshit... thank you, it's flattering knowing you find me so attractive." Keith's hand flew back to his ponytail and undid it, allowing him to Jude his face in its thickness as the wind swished it around.

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