Forget All The Shooting Stars And All The Silver Moons

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"I promise I'll be here for you. I promise," a gruff voice said. It was older, comforting, reminded Keith of sandalwood and sweat musk.
He didn't say anything in response. It felt like he wasn't able to respond to the voice. But he wanted to for some reason, the voice, despite being gravely, was velvet to him. It was comforting to him and he wanted to reach out to it.
"Aww look at him. He's so small and soft... I promise that we'll both protect you little one. We'll be there for you," another voice joined in. This one was much sweeter and softer. Much more soothing.

He wanted to smile out to that voice, reach out to it as well.

It almost felt like he did, judging by the cooing noises that were being directed at him.

There was no color, no images. Just a small promise.


"But why do I have to train against you?" Keith whined at his brother. They were both in a yard, Keith couldn't remember which ar what one, and they were both wearing workout clothes and were sweating like pigs. Each had a fair amount of bruises, being that their almost pasty skin didn't take damage to it very easily. And, by Shiro's 'orders', they were going all out on each other.
"Because you need to be ready to defend yourself," Shiro replied in a huff. The buffer male was quite obviously a lot less winded than Keith but being able to control his inner Alpha  at a perfect balance was a little hard.
Shiro was a mellow guy, except when it came to fighting. And that means any kind of fighting. And what he was trying to train his little brother in right then was considered fighting. So it was a challenge for him to have to not go all out on his brother like he did during competitions sometimes, but also hard enough that Keith could feel it. There was no point in doing this if Keith didn't learn at least one thing about self-defense.

"From what? Alphas? Shiro this isn't the primal age!" Keith said, exasperated with his older brother. He lost track on how times he's said that phrase to Shiro after the umpteenth time. It was so aggravating how Shiro was helicopter parent one minute then cool older brother the next.

Don't get Keith wrong, he loved Shiro to literal death, but he honestly was so done with him most of the time.

Shiro had signed him up for multiple martial arts classes, and after rebelling in almost all of them Adam had convinced him to keep at least one of them. Keith was just glad that Shiro wasn't as overbearing as he used to be, setting ridicules curfews and rules that he pushed the Omega to follow. It was one of the reasons Keith had memorized the hallways of the museum, because of the amounts of times he had rebelled against Shiro's wishes and went out there to be free for a few hours. Adam had definitely lightened Shiro up, making the Alpha loosening his reigns over Keith's life.

"I know that times are different Keith, but that won't change the roots of an Alpha. Imagine if you went into heat in a room full of Alphas. Or if they start chasing you just because you're an Omega. Keith there's a very real chance that when you get older you'll be more susceptible to being jumped. Why else do you think that I have such strict rules for you Keith? I'm not trying to be a jackass,  just trying to protect you. And since I got drafted, I've got to be harder on you than usual," Shiro replies to his earlier statement.

The Alpha has recently found out that he had been drafted to enter the aerial war forces of the Garrison unit he worked in. The Garrison was deeply rooted into their society, it didn't just have a high school in their town that Keith went to, but had schools all over the country. Not to mention that it had units based all over the world and was leading in aerospace/aerial sciences and war forces.

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