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  Ryan was in the backyard, setting up chairs and making sure coolers of soda and water were well iced-down when he heard the doorbell ring. He poked his head in the back door and called, "Bren? Can you get the door?"

  "Yeah babe!" He heard from back in the hall to the bedrooms. Then he heard Brendon's footsteps rapidly headed for the front door. Ryan slid shut the screen door to the backyard but left the main door open so he could hear who was arriving.

  "Hey guys!", he heard Brendon say, but didn't hear who'd arrived. So he finished his setup quickly, and headed into the house to see Jon and Cassie, Spencer and Linda, and Pete and his girlfriend Meagan.

  "Hey!" Ryan said with a wide smile, to everyone's waves and scattered hellos. All their guests were beginning to arrive for their housewarming/wedding reception party. Panic's break had ended as they were moving in, and the band were in the process of writing the new album.  Brendon and Ryan decided this would be the perfect time to host this gathering as they didn't want to be under the deadlines that recording or touring brought; they didn't want to try to cram it in. They wanted to celebrate their marriage and their new home with the people they cared about most.

  "Bren, Dallon and Mike wanted to be here, but Mike has band stuff and Dallon has family stuff. They said to tell you both hi and congratulations on the house," Spencer shared.

  "Oh thanks, Spence. I'll email them this week. I totally get that they are busy," Brendon said.

  "Guys, I love the house - this is perfect for you!" Linda enthused.

  "Thank you. I know we actually found it really quickly, but it felt like it took forever," Ryan explained. "We do love it though. And I love living in my own house after so much of my life has been spent in apartments in New York. I suppose my roommate probably has a little to do with it too." Ryan winked and kissed Brendon on the cheek.

  "Well, knowing you two, I'm sure you've christened it nicely already," Pete smirked. It was kind of legend among their friends already how the two could not keep their hands off of one another. They were just so in love, and knew what it was like to live without each other, that they didn't take their time together for granted one bit. It also didn't hurt that they each thought the other was hot as hell.

  "Ugh, Pete...thank you for not saying that in front of my parents," Brendon chided. Ryan burst out laughing. "And by the way, once they get here, please keep that stuff on the down-low. It's my mama, for God's sake." Brendon pretended to glare at Pete.

  "Hey, now," Pete said with his hands lifted in surrender, "I can behave!" Meagan rolled her eyes.

  "Ok, Pete, whatever you say," Ryan said, chuckling. "Spence, can you be designated babysitter today?"

  Spencer nodded. "On it." It was Jon's turn to burst out laughing.

  Just then, the doorbell rang again. Ryan went to answer the door this time.

  "Ryan!" Grace exclaimed happily after he opened the door. Brendon's parents moved inside the house, and then Grace stepped forward and pulled Ryan into a tight hug. Being treated as family by Brendon's parents made Ryan feel warm and accepted, and he really loved them. He never really had a good family experience growing up, with his mother leaving when he was young and his history with his father. But now he had a family of his own: a loving husband, kind in-laws, and friends who were like siblings. He had no idea two years ago that life could be so good.

  "I'm so glad to see you boys," Grace said as she released Ryan from the hug. Boyd stepped up, smiling at Ryan, and shook his hand.

  "Believe me, we're really glad to see you too, and to have you in our home. Brendon has been so excited for your visit." Ryan returned their bright smiles.

  "Mom! Dad! You made it!" Brendon came bounding over and engulfed his mother in a huge hug. Ryan grinned because it was easy to see who Brendon had taken after between his parents. He had always been close to his mother.

  "Of course, honey. We wouldn't miss the chance to come see your home and celebrate your marriage!" She smiled at him and smoothed his shirt back into place. "I expect a tour later!"

  Brendon moved over and hugged his dad briefly. "Well we're so glad you're here. It's so nice having my whole family together." Brendon was beaming as he snuggled up to Ryan's side and slid his arm around his waist. Ryan wrapped his arm around Brendon's shoulders in return, hugging him to his side firmly.

  "So how are you finding owning a house?" Boyd asked. "Is it what you expected?"

  Brendon nodded. "Pretty much. We knew it was going to be more work than having apartments. And we'll have to have someone to come and mow the yard and things like that when we're off on tour. But Spencer's had his own house for a while, so he's great for tips on stuff like that."

  Ryan added, "And I love that we can make our own decisions on how we want things to be and don't need permission from someone to do them. We could paint the living room black if we wanted and it would be totally up to us!", he laughed.

  "Well, we're so happy for you," Grace said. "We remember what this stage of life is like, and it's an exciting time."

  Both the boys nodded, smiling at how sweet Brendon's mother always was. Then Ryan kissed the top of Brendon's head. "Babe? Why don't we get everyone out back? The food is all set up and ready, and I think everyone is here now."

  "Did someone say it's time for food?" Pete piped up. Brendon rolled his eyes to Ryan, while Ryan just laughed.


  The entire group of friends and family were sitting around visiting, some around or in the pool, some just sitting in the yard, chatting. Brendon called out for everyone's attention.

  "I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming to celebrate our marriage and our home with us. These past couple of months have been a new beginning for me and Ryan. We didn't exactly take a conventional road getting here, but we're so happy with our life together, and all of your love and support is a huge part of that. We love you all, so thank you!"

  Cheers went up and people held up their drinks in salute. Ryan moved to stand behind his husband and wrapped his arms around his waist, hooking his chin over his shoulder. "Having a good time, baby?" he asked quietly.

  Brendon turned gently in his arms and looked up at Ryan with wide, bright eyes, nodding and smiling Ryan's smile. "Of course, hon. I'm so happy." Ryan knew he meant more than the party.

  Ryan returned his special smile. "Me too. I can't imagine life getting any better than this."

  Brendon grinned wider and kissed Ryan's cheek. "Well babe, the good news is we have the rest of our lives to find out."

  Ryan nodded, pecking his lips in return, and said, "And there's nothing else I could want more."


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