10. Sit in Silence

36 0 0

Song: Car Radio

Artist: Twenty Øne Pilots

*Warning! This chapter contains slurs that are very offensive to the LGBTQ+ community.*


"Breeze, when exactly are you coming?" I ask her through the phone (yes, I am a horrible child, disobeying orders), as I made my way to school. There's some rustling in the background, before she answers me.

"First week of June. Besides, my school ends in about 2 weeks. What's the matter? I know you guys still got May to finish, but still, you can't be missing me that quickly, right?" Oh, if only she knew. I sighed as her beautiful laughter fills my ears.

"If it's the concert you're worried about, then don't worry about it. I've got everything covered, my dude." I chuckle, as I skid down the slope that lead to the pavement area.

"No, no. I'm definitely not worried about that. What I'm worried about is where you're staying. There's no way my parents will let you crash at my place. Sorry dude." I tell her, apologetically. She laughs again.

"Nah, it's all cool. I know your parents wouldn't let me stay at your house. My grandparents live somewhere in Mississauga, I think it was called? I'm crashing at their place."

"Cool! Anything else I should know?" I ask Breezy. There's a faint sound of metal slamming on something in the background.

"Nope! Hey, I gotta go to class now. See ya!"  She says, a little rushed.

"Alright, stay safe Breeze." I sigh softly. 

"Sure! Whatever floats your boat. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?" She says and hangs up right after that, as I smile a little bit.

"A lot of things can go wrong. All it takes is one move." I whisper to myself. As I line up where I usually do to head inside.


"You guys can start working now!" Mr. Alexander exclaims as he types away on his computer. Probably a new slide  A knock on the door brings all of our attention to the doorway, where our principal and a new kid stood.

"Sorry for interrupting your class, Mr. Alexander, but you guys have a new kid today. Be nice the her, alright?" We nodded, and the principal bid us a good day. The new kid walked inside, cautiously, as Mr. Alexander approached her with a wide smile.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Mr. Alexander, your homeroom teacher. Why don't you introduce yourself?" He let the new girl walk up to the front of the class as she looked smugly at us.

"Hi! My name's Seira Holtzman. Pleasure to meet you all." Seira smiled cheekily at us. I grit my teeth and dug my nails into my wrists. 

You know the cycle.

New kid comes, and you're going to be forgotten.

The shadows scream that you're alone.





A L O N E.

"Uh, Mr. Alexander? I don't think Chael's doing so good..." Judgmental stares fill the room. It's getting harder to breath. 

"Chael? You alright there bud?" My throat feels like it's closed up. I swallow hard, and my nails start to break through my skin.


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