Chapter Eleven: Non-Quirk Combat Training Pt. 3

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       "Alright," Mr. Aizawa says with his hands in his pockets. "Today we are going to be grading your battles with your classmates. Once that's out of the way, those of you feeling confident can try your hand at fighting me."

       "We've changed your partners for the graded portion," Ms. Joke announces. She reads off a clipboard. Each pair called out moves to find their new opponent. "Shindo you will be fighting Bakugo. Y/N you will be fighting Midoriya, but you'll only be graded for your fight against your uncle."

"That makes sense," I say with a nod of my head. I'd have an advantage no matter who I fight in class.

"Man, it's gonna suck going back to our regular schedule next week," Kaminari sighs.

All the students walk over to the side of the training grounds and take a seat. The graded fights have been scheduled to take place the rest of today and tomorrow if need be. From what I've been able to see it seems like most everyone has gotten used to being able to tell when their Quirk is rendered useless whether it be by sensing it, feeling it or trying to use their abilities and finding them not working.

The first pair are adorning their bracelets. Instead of just our own teachers grading us we have a panel of five teachers each taking notes and assigning a score that will be averaged out for the final mark. Ms. Joke, Vlad King, Mr. Aizawa, All Might and Present Mic are all seated behind a long table with even stacks of paper in front of them.

I guess there was a lot of buzz going around the campus for our training camp. The balconies above us are as cramped as a pack of sardines. Students from general studies, support and business are watching, even some of the second and third year hero course students are up there too. I'm thrown off, but none of the other students really seem that fazed.

"I guess you guys are kinda used to this." I can't take my eyes off the rafters.

Bakugo follows my gaze. "I guess. I mean there was the villain attack at the USJ and then the sports tournament."

"Don't forget when the League Of Villains showed up summer camp," Kirishima adds.

       "I don't think we'll ever get away from having people watch us," Denki sighs. "Especially when we all go pro."

       "Ribbit. It feels like our legacies are already being shaped and none of it was directly caused by any of our own actions," Tsu chimes in.

       "Our actions played a part, by someone else making the first move, it forced us to react on our primal fight or flight instincts." Iida makes almost as many hand gestures as there are words in his statement.

       Katsuki clicks his tongue and looks away.
I wish I knew what was going on inside his head right now.

       Shindo walks over with the same smile as always plastered on his face. "Man, Y/N, I was really hoping we would get to fight some more. I have high hopes for our fight Bakugo. Don't let me down."

       "I don't owe you anything you overly joyous bastard!" Katsuki's eyes narrow and his voice scratches with each syllable. "I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Subconsciously my hand touches his thigh and his hand covers mine. I give him a calming smile and I see his eyes soften, but his mouth is practically a straight line.

The way the groups were called are the order we are going in so it's not likely that Katsuki and Shindo will fight today. Midoriya and I are the group after them, but he still looks nervous.

The first pair up is Mina against Kendo. They both seem to be thrown off a couple times when they first start. Mina stumbles back onto her butt when one of her attacks is nullified but manages to roll away from her opponents attack. They exchange parries and fall into a steady rhythm. The longer their fight goes the more natural their bodies seem to move and adjust when need be.

"Hey," Bakugo whispers close to my ear. "Let's eat outside today. Just the two of us."

My heart skips a beat and my stomach does a somersault. I can't even force the word "yes" out of my mouth so I just nod. Looking down I see he's intertwined his fingers with mine. His thumb is rubbing the back of my hand. Kirishima and Kaminari notice and start smiling like idiots.

"Are you okay? Your face is red," Katsuki leans in.

My free hands touches my face as if that's going to help. "I'm fine. I feel really good." I give his hand a reassuring squeeze to which the corners of his mouth curl up.

"Whatever you say." As if us holding hands wasn't shocking enough to those around us who have noticed he presses his lips to my cheek garnering gasps from those sitting behind us and the Baku-squad next to us.

~ Bakugo's Point of View ~
What am I doing? I'm holding her hand and I just kissed her in front of people. After last night, every time I've seen her today I've wanted to kiss her again. Her lips are so soft and any contact with her makes me calm and happy. My chest feels all floaty.

"Hey Bakugo," Kirishima nudges me in the side. "So are you and Y/N dating?"

It's none of his business, but I guess he's my best friend. "Promise not to say anything?" It may be a question, but I'm really not giving him an option.

"Of course." His dopey smile is present as always.

I look at Y/N and see that her eyes are focused on the match. Raccoon-eyes beat the big hand girl from class B so now the girl Pikachu fought at the sports festival and a girl I don't know from Joke's class are fighting.

"I may or may not have kissed Y/N last night." I surprise both Kirishima and myself with my honesty.

Shitty hair's eyes are wide and his smile is toothier than ever. He looks like a kid in a candy store or like he just won the lottery. "Dude!" He says a little too loud. We both look at Y/N, but her eyes are still on the fight.

She squeezes my hand as the chick from Joke's class lands a hard punch to the girl with vines for hair. A small laugh escapes my lips. She's taken harder blows from her uncle, I'm sure of it, but her reaction to other people taking hits is so... cute.

God, she's beautiful.

Her E/C eyes lock onto mine and damn it's so hard not to have a repeat of last night. She bites her lip and I have to look away before my primal instincts kick in.

"So you kissed her, but are you guys exclusive?" Kirishima wiggles his eyebrows.

"Don't you think it's too soon for me to ask her out? It hasn't even been a full week since she came to UA."

He looks down at our hands. "If you have feelings for her then you have feeling for her. Clearly she feels the same. Be a man!" He gives me a thumbs up.

He has a point. "Okay."

"You'll have to tell me what happens."

Of course I will. "I don't have to tell you anything."

He chuckles and we both turn our gaze to the fight. At some point the two chicks fight ended and grape head is fighting the zombie-looking kid from 1B. My eyes might be on the fight but my attention is filled with thoughts of Y/N and lunch. I've never been so nervous.

A/N: Sorry this update came late! I've been battling a nasty cold and have been sleeping more hours than I'm awake... Also thank you all for 1K reads!! I saw that today and just about did a backflip!! You guys are awesome!! I'm gonna get another chapter done this week.

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