Chapter Thirty-Four: How Much I Love You (Lemon)

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~ Bakugo's Point of View ~

       The only source of light in her room are from the strands of fairy lights strung from corner to corner along the top of her walls. Part of me wants to pause and turn on music but I'm too preoccupied with the beautiful girl underneath me.

       I bring my lips to hers, as gently as I can in my worked up state. Her shaky fingers run through my hair as she opens her mouth to me. She tastes of dinner and barley tea but for some reason it intoxicates me. I'm desperate to taste more of her. Every inch of her.

       My hand drops down to her neck and I loosen the tie of her uniform just enough that I can start unbuttoning her shirt. I'm so excited and nervous that I can barely get the top button open with one hand. I sit up, and begin to use both of my hands. I'm surprised when she sits up and begins to undress my torso as well. She slips her hands inside my shirt and slowly pushes the fabric off my shoulders and I follow suit.

       Once she lays back down, my eyes fall to the F/C lacy bra she wears and the way her chest rapidly rises and falls. As much as I love the sight, my impulse control is shit. I pull her back up and wrap my arms behind her back, fumbling with the complex clasp holding her bra in place.

       She chuckles against my lips. "Here." She reaches behind her and in one swift second she has fully bared her chest for me.

       She lays back down, averting her eyes away from my gaze. I bring my forehead to hers. "Y/N," I whisper. "You are so beautiful."

       "I love you, Katsuki," she smiles. "To the sun and down again and around the stars and back again." Her face turns bright pink and she crashes her lips into mine. 

       With slight hesitation, I bring my hand down to her left breast and begin massaging it gently while my tongue roams from her mouth to her neck then to her right breast. I can hear her breathing catch and her body gently writhes against my touch. Her moans only add fuel to my growing fire.

       I begin to trail down to the waist of her skirt, fiercely wanting to touch and taste more of her.

       "Katsuki, wait," she says anxiously. "Umm... there's something that I want to do... before you go any further."

       I pull back and look at how demure she's being as she wriggles out from under me. She flips our positions, so now she's looking down at me. Her chest presses into mine as she takes control of my mouth and her hand finds its way down to the crotch of my pants. I'm already pretty hard and the warmth her hand sends through the fabric is just making things worse.

       She moves her hand up some and the next thing I know, an immense amount of pressure is relieved. My whole body shakes at her touch, as she firmly, yet delicately moves her hand up and down. Her thumb occasionally runs over the tip and I lose all train of thought.

       Just as I'm settling into the erotic sensation, she stops, pulling back and biting her lip. "Can you... swing your legs over the side of the bed?" She moves off me, opting to kneel on the floor in front of me. "You're always making me feel good, so now it's my turn to return the favor." She peers up at me through her eyelashes and I swear my heart stops as her mouth takes me in.

       I tilt my head and let my eyes roll into the back of my head as she falls into a steady rhythm. On impulse, my hand reaches out and my fingers tangle in her hair. I find myself lightly pushing against the back of her head, losing myself in the moment.

       "God, Y/N," my breath hitches in my throat. "If you don't stop soon I won't be able to show you how much..."

       Just like that, she stops and stands up, unzipping her skirt in the process. She stands in front of me in nothing more than underwear that matches the bra that's been haphazardly thrown to the floor.

       "I can't hold back any more." I grab her wrist and jerk her towards me as I get to my own feet. I pull a small square wrapper from my back pocket before I completely discard my own pants and boxers.

       I gently lay her back on the bed and take my time in removing her last article of clothing. I roll the slippery latex on before positioning myself between her legs.

       "Are you ready?"

~ Reader's Point of View ~

       It hurts. My face scrunches together out of instinct.

       "Are you okay?" Katsuki asks, lightly brushing his lips against my cheek.

       I nod my head. "Just... please... start gently."

       He rocks his hips in a slow pulsing method, careful to stop anytime my face twists in pain. Soon after, the pain melts away and I'm overcome with pure bliss as I realize how much I love Katsuki.

"I... love you," I breathe. I listen to the raspiness of his breath as he continues to move back and forth. My toes curl and I can't control my voice.

My stomach clenches and my back arches as ecstasy courses through my entire body.

"Ah! Y/N!" The love of my life groans as he exits my body and flops onto the mattress next to me.

He takes a quick moment to clean himself up and gather our scattered under garments. Once we are both covered again, he climbs into bed and holds me close to his chest. The tips of his fingers lightly massage my scalp and I can feel myself falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.


"Mmm," he mutters.

I look up and see his half lidded eyes. "I love you to the sun and down again..."

"Around the stars and back again," he finishes, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I smile, happy to know he's already learned my favorite saying.

       "Shit," he sighs as shoves the blankets off the both of us. "I'll be right back. I need to go change and take my uniform to my room so that we have a slight reduction in our chances of getting caught."

       I watch as he carelessly puts his uniform back on and sneaks out my room. I decide to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I notice some dirt still on my skin from today's game. Using a wash cloth and some lightly-scented, raspberry soap I clean myself superficially.

       I walk out of he bathroom and see Katsuki staring out my window. He's wearing his usual black tank top and similarly colored sweat pants. I can tell how tense he is just by looking at how tight his arm and back muscles are.

       After changing into an over sized t-shirt and black spandex shorts, I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist. I place a small kiss on his left shoulder. "Penny for your thoughts?"

       He turns around, returning my embrace. "Just thinking of how amazing you are and how you've changed my life since we first met. And of how much I love you."

       "I love you too," I smile. I bring my lips to his and let the kiss linger.

       He pulls back, cupping my face with his hands. "Come on, Y/N. Let's get some sleep."

A/N: Alright. Here you go. I did what I could to make it not too crude or cringe worthy. I'm sorry if it's bad or you don't like it. I'm not a fan of your "traditional lemon" so I tried to keep it to something I wouldn't cringe at when pressing publish.

The line "I love you to the sun and down again and around the stars and back again." Is from "Nuts" written by Tom Topor and it's one of my favorite monologues other than several sections from Sara Kane's "4.48 Psychosis".

Love all you lovely babes!! xoxo- Sayori Kaede

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