Chapter Thirty-Two: The Talk

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~ Reader's Point of View ~

       It's... nighttime. I sit up and instantly regret it. My head is pounding and every muscle in my body aches. It feels like I haven't moved in years.

       "Y/N," Katsuki says. He's positioned at the side of my bed and he's still wearing his hero costume. "You're finally awake." His face is a mixture of relief and frustration.

       "How are you feeling?" Uncle Ai's voice resonates from a dark corner of the room.

       I rub the back of my neck. "Like I was hit by a train. What happened?"

       "Tch." Bakugo looks like he's ready to explode and I'm not talking about his Quirk.

       "You overused your Quirk," Uncle Mic states plainly.

       Katsuki forcibly takes my hand and wrist in both of his. "You could have died. Had I not caught you, you could have died! How the hell could you push yourself so damn far for a game!? I... I... I could have lost you..." His eyes and his voice shake.

       After I took the Yellow Team's flag is all a blur. "I... I don't know. I just wanted to show everyone that I'm strong. That I can still be a hero even though most people with my life would have given up or turned to the dark side. I'm not someone to pity." Even as I say all this, I begin to cry. Once again, I made someone worry about me. Not just someone but I make Bakugo worry about me. I made Uncle Ai and Uncle Mic worry about me. I probably made some of the parents and my classmates worry about me. What's my fucking deal? "I'm sorry."

       Bakugo squeezes my hand. "Just promise me that you won't do anything like that again. Even after Recovery Girl used her Quirk on you, you were still unconscious for four hours. Y/N, I... I felt so helpless."

       "If it weren't for you, Bakugo, then my niece would have been gravely injured, or as you pointed out, she would have died from the height she fell from," Uncle Ai points out. He straightens up. "Hizashi and I will be outside. We all need to head back to the dorms in time for dinner. I'm sure the parents and the rest of the class are anxiously waiting for us."

        My uncles leave the room and it's just me and Bakugo.

       I throw my arms around his neck and breathe in his scent. "I'm sorry I made you worry. I don't know why I was so adamant about proving myself."

       He pulls back but doesn't break contact. "I get it. That drive and desire to show yourself to the world. I'm just relieved that you're okay." He cups my fave in his hands. "I love you so much, Y/N. Please, just stay safe and stay by my side."

       He caresses my lips with his before gently forcing his tongue inside my mouth. Before I know it, he joins me on the bed, never once separating for air. I tangle my legs with his and fist my hands in the fabric of his costume. One of his hands moves down between my thighs and my legs fall open.

I groan against his lips. Finally we pull back for a brief moment. "I love you," my voice is breathy as he moves his hand against the fabric of my shorts. I let out another embarrassing moan. I want to melt into the moment but knowing my uncles are right outside the door holds me back.

       His voice mimicks mine and returns my own moans with his groans. "I don't want to stop." Contradicting his words, he pulls back. "We shouldn't leave them waiting much longer. Do you think you can stand?"

       I calm my breathing and wait for my legs to stop shaking before I nod my head.

       He moves off of me and stands up with his hand extended. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I place my hand in his and let him help me to my feet. I stabilize but he refuses to let go of my hand.

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