Chapter Twenty-Four: Class Switch

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The rest of the week almost felt almost normal. After opening up to Uncle Ai, the weight of everything lightened. I no longer feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. There've been no new messages or threats, which was a big concern when telling my uncle. Maybe it was just an elaborate and messed up prank...

"Earth to Y/N," Kirishima sighs, waving his hand in front of my face. "Hey, you okay? You've barely touched your breakfast."

My spoon drops into my bowl of cereal with a startling clank.

Bakugo leans into my ear, his breathing tickles my neck. "You're not hiding anything from me are you?"

"I'm good." It's the truth but why do I feel like I'm lying. "I'm just a little spacey. That's all." I smile hoping to convey that their worry is misplaced.

Katsuki grabs my breakfast and takes it over to the dish deposit. "Come on space cadet, we should get to the classroom."

After putting on our shoes, he laces his fingers between mine and we walk side-by-side to the main campus. Upon arriving in Classroom 1-A, we all share in an internal groan and eye-roll when we see Vlad King leaning against the podium.

"Last week went by so smoothly, I forgot that we had this waiting for us," Kaminari sighs.

"We definitely got the short end of the deal," Kirishima ironically chuckles. "Class B get Mr. Aizawa and we're stuck with a man that has tusks."

We all take our seats and wait for the bell. All of us share the same thoughts of how shitty today might be.

By the end of the day, all of us are genuinely shocked. We always thought that Vlad King hated our class the same way 1-B hates us. Some of us honestly thought that he would spend the whole day critiquing our performance and blaming Uncle Ai but he didn't. He provided us with fresh feedback and constructive criticism.

"Who knew that having a fresh pair of eyes could help so much?" Ochako giggles as she watches Midoriya scribble in his notebook while walking back to the dorms.

I turn my attention to the scowling ash-blond next to me. He's been in a mood ever since Vlad gave him a small pointer on his AP Shot. It wasn't even a critique, just a suggestion on how to make the ultimate move even more powerful.

I stop walking for a moment and he reluctantly follows suit. Standing on my toes, I lean towards his ear. "If you don't stop sulking, I won't kiss you."

"Oh yeah? Is that right?" In one swift movement, his arms are wrapped around my waist and my feet are no longer touching the ground. My arms are also trapped in his embrace and I have no way to fight back as he presses his lips to mine. I swear my body almost melts when he nips at my bottom lip. He lowers me back down, his arms still holding me close to his body. "I don't like when people tell me I can't have something I want."

My E/C eyes are locked onto his red irises. "I don't like when my boyfriend is in a mood." I grip the collar of his shirt and pull his mouth back onto mine. "If I have to resort to backhanded tactics to see you smile, then so be it."

His eyes soften even though his mouth stays in a straight line. "You're lucky I like you," he growls. He runs his hands up my back and back down to the hem of my skirt.

My stomach knots and my insides shiver with excitement when he slips a few fingers underneath the back of my skirt. I find myself absent-mindedly sucking my lip between my teeth. "Katsuki," I breathe. My eyes drift closed and I tighten my grip on his shirt.

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