Chapter Twenty-Six: Parents Weekend Pt. 1

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       Friday comes quickly and the excitement in the air is palpable. Everyone is over-the-moon to be reunited with their parents after living on campus for so long. Uncle Ai came in to check on me first thing this morning and we both agreed that I don't need to attend classes today. I want to be happy for my friends and part of me is, but part of me is also really bitter at the fact that I'll never get to hug or talk to my parents again.

Aunt Joke called earlier this week and offered to come and be my stand-in parent. Uncle Mic also offered to step in for me as well. I know they were just trying to help but it just made the absence of mom and dad hurt even more.

A knock at my door pulls my attention away from the photograph in my hands. I move to set it down but as I do my door opens on its own.

"Hey," Katsuki says as he enters my room. He notices I'm not in uniform as he takes a seat next to me. "So you aren't coming to class today?"

"I may come for the second half of the day," I sigh, resting my head against his shoulder. I can't help but smile when I feel his lips brush against my forehead. All the periods before lunch are centering around showing the parents the campus and family activities.

He chuckles. He looks at my confused expression and laughs a little more. "Sorry. I'm just imagining my mom's reaction to your hero costume."

The second part of the day is our regular hero training. Just thinking of my first interaction with Bakugo's parents being in my rather exposing costume makes my face turn the brightest shade of red on the face of the planet.

       "Maybe I'll just wait to meet everyone's parents until after classes are done," I sigh.

       "No way," he laughs. "Your costume definitely has that shock factor but as much as I hate to admit it, my mom is pretty cool. She won't hold your hero costume against you, however, prepare for playful jabs and innuendos about it." He gives me a swift peck on my cheek.

"How about I come and eat lunch with you," I suggest. "That way I don't have to make a questionable first impression."

He kisses the tip of my nose. "That's a great idea." He stands up from the bed and takes both of my hands in his pulling me to my feet. "I should probably start heading out. I don't want to be late today cause it wouldn't just be Mr. Aizawa yelling at me but my mom too."

"Would she really tell you in front of the class, their parents and my uncle?" I wrap my arms around his torso and look up, into his red irises.

"She would yell at me in front of the Prime Minister," his eyebrows knit together and he clicks his tongue.

I can't help but smile. I have a feeling I'm going to finally see where he gets his personality.

"What are you smiling about? I'm warning you, my mom might be cool but she's also a nightmare." He brings his hands up to cup my face.

My smile quickly straightens out. I used to think the same thing about my mom... "I really wish that my parents could have met you, Katsuki."

He drops his hands and hugs my body against his tightly.

That was unfair of me to say. How can I expect him to respond to that?

"I wish I could have met them too. If I could, I would tell them how wonderful you are. Y/N, you're the most amazing person I've met and I would thank them for bringing you into this world." He presses his lips against my forehead. "I love you, Y/N."

I can feel his body relax. I take a slight step back. With tears in my eyes, butterflies in my stomach and my head in the clouds, I crash my lips against his desperately. Tangling my tongue with his and fisting his hair I put all my emotions into this one moment. "I love you too," I say when we finally break apart.

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