Chapter Twenty-Two: Clues

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~ Reader's Point of View ~

I wake up in a dark room with a cloth tied over my mouth. Once my eyes adjust I notice that I'm not alone. Aoyama, Yaomomo and Denki are stationed in various corners of the room. They all seem to be out of commission though.

My heart is racing and I can feel the blood rushing in my ears. I go to undo the gag only to find my hands bound behind my back. Tears sting in the corner of my eyes.

How could this have happened? We were in class and the only here that knows anything is Kaminari.

"Good, you're awake," the low tone belonging to All Might pierces through the dark. He bends down in front of me and hooks a finger in the fabric, releasing my mouth from the restraint. "Sorry about that. We had to get you four away from the group without alerting your classmates. Personally I think we went a little too far, but I'm just following orders."

Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face, choking my words and alarming All Might. He quickly undoes all my other restraints.

"You're... the real... All Might... right?" I ask through sobs.

He furrows his eye brows together. "Of course. Hey, Y/N, what would make you ask me that?"

My eyes widen. I can't tell him. "I just..." I take a deep, calming breath and wipe the tears away with the back of my hand. "Sorry. I just got too worked up."

He opens his mouth but closes it once the others begin to stir. Once they've all been freed he begins to give us the run down.

"So why were we the ones singled out to play the victims?" Momo asks, folding her arms over her chest.

All Might chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "Well, you four were standing in the back. It wasn't that we chose ahead of time or anything."

"And what if we end up on the other side of this situation one day?" Aoyama asks, looking off in the distance.

"Eraserhead will be going over everything in the classroom once the exercise is done. Reviewing tactics to use in both normal hostage situations and kidnapping cases."

"So are we just hanging out around here until they find us?" Kaminari smiles and kicks his feet up on an old bucket.

"Pretty much," All Might shrugs. "I do want you guys to think of how you would get out of a situation where you were actually kidnapped or held hostage. Be ready to share them in a short essay for class tomorrow. The rest of the class will be graded on the practical aspect of this exercise."

       I walk over and sit next to Kami.

       "Bakugo's probably freaking out right now," he sighs. "This training exercise seems to hit a little close to..."

I cut him off. "I know but I'm sure that my uncle explained the exercise to him."

"He won't calm down until he knows for sure that you're safe," he sighs. "Has anything else happened?"

"I haven't gotten anymore messages." I tiptoe around the question. Katsuki and I haven't really discussed what happened last week.

Denki gives me a sideways glance. "You know we have your back right? I'm not going to force you to open up but just know that you aren't alone in this."

~ Bakugo's Point of View ~

       "This is bullshit." I'm so frustrated. Everywhere we look is another dead end. The clues make no sense.

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