Chapter Fourteen: Non-Quirk Combat Training Final Pt.

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Katsuki and Shindo are the second group to go. Before the match Bakugo completely ignored a friendly handshake from the second year. I think his exact words to the smiling boy were, "I'm gonna beat you so hard no one will recognize when we're finished."

       They stand in the middle of the gym and both boys crack their knuckles. Bakugo takes it a step further by cracking his neck.

       "Alright," Vlad King shouts. "Begin."

       "Does he always yell?" Kaminari asks Monoma.

       I'm too focused on watching the match to hear what the answer is. Katsuki started with an intense blast from a right hook, but his movement was so big that Shindo dodged it easily.

       "He doesn't learn," Midoriya shakes his head. "I pointed that out to him at the beginning of the year. He starts every fight with that move."

       I want to ask about any other techniques Katsuki uses that Midoriya might know about, but my eyes are fixed on the hard blow Bakugo just took to his stomach. My body is incredibly tense watching the hard blows the two of them deal to each other.

       "Damn you!" Two explosions leave the palms of his hands, but suddenly stop. He's quick to react, landing an uppercut that sends Yo stumbling backwards about seven feet.

       Both boys are fired up and volleys of Quirk powered attacks bleed together with regular attacks so quickly that it's hard to keep up. Neither one wants to give up and the tension between the fighters starts to leak into the crowd watching. My fists are clenched in my lap and I keep forgetting to breathe.

       "It's gonna be a battle of stamina," Izuku mutters to no one in particular.

       "What do you mean?" Kami asks, leaning over me.

       "They both have a good handle on their Quirks and sensing when they're gone. On top of that their natural abilities to fight exceed everyone else in here. The victor will be the one who can carry on just one attack longer than the other," the green-eyed boy says at alarming speed.

       What feels like an eternity later it seems like Katsuki is going to be the one to fall, but he lands one more forceful punch to Shindo's chin. The second-year hits the ground slowly followed by Bakugo. Silence fills Gym Gamma.

       I look over at the teachers. Their mouths are hanging open.

       Uncle Ai is the first to regain his composure. "Bakugo is the winner. We are going to take a fifteen minute break. Y/N, please go get Recovery Girl."

I stand up not taking my eyes off Bakugo. Even from here I can scrapes and red marks on his body. Glancing at Shindo I can see the same superficial injuries. I'm not quite sure what Recovery Girl can do because her Quirk uses the stamina of those she's healing to repair them and they both clearly fought until their gauges were empty.

By the time I get back with the nurse both boys are propped up on the wall and at least awake. As much as I want to go over to them I know that the teachers won't let me.

I see Izuku and my uncle talking near the middle of the gym and go over.

"Once Recovery Girl finishes with those two, if she can, you two are up," Uncle Ai says. "Y/N, even though you aren't being graded for this fight you better not hold back."

I try to force a laugh, but my mind is focused on wanting make sure my boyfriend is okay. "I don't know the meaning of holding back."

Midoriya sees through my thin vail. "Kacchan is going to be okay. He's strong and can handle anything."

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