Chapter Sixteen: Busted... Almost

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       "I don't want to leave you alone tonight," Bakugo sighs. We've been lying together on my bed since the confrontation with whatever those copies of Harrison and Michael were. He's been playing with my hair non-stop while I've been laying on his chest and holding him tight like a child with their favorite stuffed animal.

       I breathe him in, loving the natural smell of caramel that seems to be caused by the fuel of his Quirk. "I wish we could stay like this forever. Just forget the world and the hell that's forming around my life but we're heroes in training so we can't just run away."

       He kisses the top of my head and exhales heavily. "Are you going to be okay tonight?"

       I want to lie. I want to believe the lie I want to tell but I can't. "I'm scared. I'm scared to look out my window. I jump every time my phone goes off. After today, my dreams are going to be nightmares."

       "I'm on the other side of the floor. Promise that you'll come to me if anything happens or your nightmares are too much. Knock my door down if you have to because I care about you more than I do about losing sleep." He moves to sit up and I follow his lead. "I better head to my room. It's late and I don't want to face the wrath of Mr. Aizawa for being in your room past the allotted time."

       I walk him to the door and we share a small, yet passionate kiss. "Goodnight, Katsuki."
       "Goodnight, Y/N." He peers over my head and I follow his gaze to the window. Just looking at it gives me goosebumps.
I turn my light off and run to my bed, tucking my entire body under the blankets including my head. I stare into the darkness, not wanting to close my eyes because I can't bear to see Bakugo like I did this afternoon.

       Finally my exhaustion gets the best of me and luck is on my side because I don't dream. Time seems to just skip forward eight and a half hours to when I'm waking up to knocking on my door.

       "Did you sleep well?" Bakugo says, giving me a quick kiss all before the door is completely open.

       I nod my head and rub the sleep from my eyes. Looking at the clock on the wall I see it's only seven in the morning. I pull Katsuki by his wrist and drag him to my bed.

       "I'm still tired." I wrap my arms around him and snuggle close to his side.

       He chuckles while holding me. "Me too. Today, we are doing nothing except relax. No talk of the bullshit. Just you and me being normal teenagers."

       "That sounds lovely." Smiling, I prop myself up slightly and kiss his cheek. "I guess the idea I came up with before I fell asleep last night will have to wait until tomorrow."

       He clicks his tongue. "I won't even ask. I'm dead serious, Y/N. We are normal high schoolers today."

       I couldn't ask for a better person to pretend normality with. I close my eyes and listen to his heartbeat while my consciousness fades.

       Three hours later I wake up again. Bakugo is still asleep, facing me with his hands loosely cupping mine. I lean forward and kiss his forehead.

       I wish all my days could start with him right by my side.

       "Good morning babe." God, his sleepy voice is a blessing sent from the gods. "Did you know that you snore like a kitten?" He still hasn't opened his eyes.

       My embarrassment quickly bubbles out of my throat in the form of awkward laughter. "That's the sweetest 'good morning' ever."

       He buries his face in my neck, holding me as close as he can. "It's cute. You're cute. You wanna know something?"

       It's pretty obvious he's still kind of asleep, but I'll humor him. "What's that?"

       "I like you." His lips brush my neck.

       "No way! Are you serious?" I can't help but laugh some more. "You wanna know something?"

       He nods his head, his hair tickling my chin.

       "I like you too." He gives me a kiss as a response.

       He finally starts moving around, seeming to wake up more and more as he does. "Let's go get something to eat."

       Laying on my stomach with my head at the foot of the bed I reach into my dresser and pull out a pair of black soccer shorts and a F/C t-shirt that says I Am Not Responsible For What My Face Does When You Talk.

       "Don't look." I stand with my back facing him as I put on my F/C lace bra and change out of my sweat pants into my shorts. Before I can get my arms in the shirt I feel arms wrap around my waist and lips press to my neck.

       "I know what you said, but I'm bad at following directions," he whispers between kisses. "Besides, how can you expect me not to look at you?"

       Katsuki turns me around to face him, moving his lips to mine with just as much passion as yesterday. Again, my mouth opens and he takes the opportunity. My heart threatens to break the cage protecting it. My mind blanks and my knees feel weak. Almost as though he can sense this he scoops me up, wraps my legs around his waist and moves so that I'm between him and the closet door. I tangle my fingers in his hair as his hands grip my thighs harder.
       Unfortunately, things don't get to go much further because we are interrupted by my uncle's voice at the door. Bakugo sets me down quickly and I finish getting dressed on my way to the door. Bakugo goes and takes a seat at my desk right before I open the door.

       "So you are awake," Uncle Ai sighs. "Ah and Bakugo is here. I see I didn't need to check on you."

       I nod my head. "That's really all you came to do?"

       "You've been a little off this week," he mutters. "Of course I wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay. I am allowed to worry about you, Y/N."

       "I'm as good as can be." I surprise myself by hugging him. I wish I could tell him everything that's been going on, but I can't take that risk. Not yet.

       "Alright." He gives me a quick squeeze. "I just want to let both of you know that I trust you both. Please do not make me regret that choice."

       He walks away with his hands in his pockets and I wait to close the door until I hear the door to stairs close. I breathe a sigh of relief.

       "So, we should go downstairs," I say, putting on a pair of socks.

       "I know you're right, but I wish we could stay here all day." He stands up and gives me a small kiss.

       "Weren't you the one who wanted to go down and get food?"

       "I mean, if you have snacks in here..."

       I grab his hand and drag him to the door, laughing all the way.

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