Chapter Twenty Three: Found

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~ Bakugo's Point of View ~

      We group up with the others in front of a medium-sized building on 6th Street. There's no name on the building or any discerning details, nothing to indicate that this is the place we should be looking.

       "What's the deal Deku?" My teeth grind.

       "This is the only building on the street with six floors," he points out. He must notice my annoyed expression and clenched fists. "Six feet under. The basement under six floors."

       "Let's get going," Kirishima says, hitting his fists together.

       I'm one step ahead of him. I'm already heading toward the basement door, anxious to get this exercise over with and see Y/N again. I get what Mr. Aizawa is trying to achieve with this exercise but if he trusts me then this training is pointless. I won't let anything happen to Y/N.

       I burst through the door and immediate see Y/N sitting in the corner next to Kaminari. Her E/C eyes light up and before I know it my legs are moving towards her. I fall to my knees and wrap my arms around her. My hands fist in her hair as I breathe in her scent— a mixture of wild berries and something flowery.

       "Congratulations on figuring out the clues," All Might says. "However, the way you executed the rescue was incredibly reckless. Therefore, you fail the training exercise."

       "I don't give a damn!" I cup Y/N's face in my hands, studying her every feature, committing her to memory. I rest my forehead against hers and drop my voice to a whisper. "I'm so glad you're okay. I never want to feel like that again."

~ Reader's Point of View ~

Kaminari was right, this training exercise did hit too close to home, not just for me but Bakugo as well. I'm honestly just relieved that we got through the whole ordeal without incident.

Uncle Ai's expression clearly says that he isn't impressed with how this went but he doesn't say anything regarding the clear failure this exercise was. He simply dismisses us to go change out of our costumes.

Bakugo laces his fingers through mine as we walk to the changing rooms. Ever since he found me he's kept some sort of physical contact with me, whether it's something as simple as our shoulders touching, his arm around my lower back or our hands joined. Truthfully, it puts me at ease.

"Mr. Aizawa knows that something is going on," his tone is hushed as he keeps our distance from the rest of the class. "I'm not sure how much he knows and he didn't ask me any questions but he made it clear that today's exercise was no coincidence."

My stomach knots. I had a feeling but I was hoping it was just that. "I guess it's time I tell him. I probably should have told him from the start."

       After I change back into my uniform I find Katsuki waiting right outside the door. We walk hand-in-hand to the dorm. He watches me while I retrieve the note from my desk and pull up the messages on my phone.

       "Do you want me to go with you?" He asks, snaking his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

       "Please?" I turn around, hooking my arms around his neck. Standing on my tiptoes I give him a small kiss.

       He pulls me closer. "I'll be by your side whenever you need me."

       I smile and bury my nose into his chest. Please don't ever leave my side.

       We make our way down to the first floor and stand outside my uncle's room. I raise my hand to knock but the handle starts turning before my fist can make contact. Sometimes I swear he has a hidden psychic Quirk.

       "Come on in," he says, stepping to the side. "I was stepping out for a smoke but I guess that can wait." He pockets his Camels and lighter, shutting the door behind him.

       Bakugo and I take a seat on the sofa against the wall while Uncle Ai pulls his chair from his desk to sit opposite of us. He folds his arms over his chest as his eyes lazily trail over the paper in my hand.

       "So, you finally want to tell me what's going on? You've been out of sorts since last week, not to mention whatever it was you ran after when your match with Midoriya was over," he sighs.

       I hand the letter and my phone over to him. My hand desperately searches for Katsuki's hand while Uncle Ai reads through everything. Once he finishes scanning everything he places them on the table.

       "Occasionally I've seen a shadow outside my window at night," I admit, my grip tightening. "The shadow's been there when I received most of those messages." My legs are bouncing and my insides feel like they're on the teacup ride at Disneyland. If it weren't for Bakugo holding onto me, my whole body would probably be shaking.

"We had a run-in with Harrison and Michael outside the dorm the other day," Katsuki takes over for me. "Well, not them exactly. They were some weird ass mud clones."

Uncle Aizawa's eyes widen. "League of Villains. One of them appeared like that at camp. It concerns me that they got on campus."

"Today's exercise...," Bakugo grits his teeth. "I jumped to the worse case scenario in my head. It opened my eyes to just how easy I could lose Y/N. I never want to feel that way again." His red eyes are watery as he looks down at me. "Mr. Aizawa, I swear..."

"I know, Bakugo. For now, I want you both to relax and be extra aware of your surroundings. Let me know immediately if they contact you again or if you see the shadow again," Uncle Ai takes the note over to his desk. "Who else knows?"

We tell him about the others and he makes sure that we tell them to be vigilant as well. "Try not to tell anyone else about this for the time being. I'll do what I can for now from behind the scenes. I'll try to get in contact with some acquaintances I have in Rodeo to see what information they haven't made public."

       We nod our heads and stand to leave.

       "Do your best to lay low and act normal," Uncle Ai reminds us before he opens the door. He pulls me into his chest and I feel his hands shaking. "I promise to protect you, Y/N. Thank you for telling me."

       I stabilize my own shaking hands in the fabric of his shirt. "I love you, Uncle Ai."

A/N: Sorry this update is two days late from when I said I was going to post it. Hit a slight roadblock and rewrote this chapter like five times 🙃

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