Chapter Twenty-Seven: Parents Weekend Pt. 2

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"Hi, I'm Mitsuki and this is my husband Masaru," his mom extends a delicate hand over the table. "I wish I could say that we've heard so much about you but it appears that my darling son was keeping you a secret."

I watch as Katsuki jumps, presumably from one of his parents kicking him under the table. "F/N L/N," I smile, mentally kicking myself for introducing myself after Bakugo already did. "We have been really busy this last month. Between piles of homework, joint training and working with different teachers..."

Her eyes narrow at the boy next to me. "It's like pulling teeth just to get a simple 'hello' from him once a week, I had no idea that much was going on." Her teeth grit and this time I'm certain she was the one who issued the kick when I feel her foot brush against my leg the moment after he jumps again.

"Stop kicking me you hag!" He looks like he's about to jump over the table.

I place my hand on his thigh and rub my thumb in a small circle. He rests his hand over mine and turns to look at me. I give him my best reassuring smile and do my best to telepathically tell him to relax.

"So tell us a little bit about yourself," his dad says, offering me a small smile with kind eyes.

       Where should I begin? "Well, I moved here from America after my parents were killed," I gulp, I can't remember ever saying that out loud before. "They were pro-heroes, Mist and Erase, my uncle is Mr. Aizawa and the only relative I have..." My voice trails off and I feel the familiar sting in my eyes. Damn it. This is harder than I thought. "Um..." The tears start to fall and I hear a chair scrape against the floor and arms envelop me.

       "Aw, honey," Mitsuki's voice lulls into my ear. "It's okay, you don't have to tell us everything."

       She smells like my mom. Her hug is like...

       I wrap my arms around her.

       "Come on," she says, pulling back and using her thumbs to wipe the moisture from my face. "Let's go for a walk before you two have to go class."

I lean over and give Katsuki a quick kiss and the cheek as he squeezes my hand.

Once we are outside, she loops her arm with mine. "Tell me anything you want. No matter the status of you and my son, you can come and talk to me. I know it's not the same but I'm a mother."

I look up at her and for a moment I see my mom in the way that she smiles. "It's hard. I haven't really talked to anyone about it. Not my uncle or Katsuki or any of my friends in class." I swallow the lump in my throat. "I've been crying a lot lately. Sorry, I know it's unbecoming..."

       "Don't apologize for your feelings, ever." She stops and sits in the grass pulling me down with her. "Mr. Aizawa reached out to all of the parents when informing us of this weekend. He let us know your situation. The hand that life has dealt you is unfairly asking you to grow up faster than a girl your age should. I can tell by the way my son looks at you that you are cared for immensely by those around you. I mean, not anyone could effect Kasuki the way you do."

I smile while looking in my lap. "If I hadn't met him after everything happened, I'm not sure I would have ever felt normal again. It crosses my mind from time to time that the way I was feeling when I first moved here could very well have become my new 'normal'. That thought alone scares me."

"I hope we aren't interrupting a nice moment," Masaru's voice says from behind us.

Katsuki stands next to me with his hand extended. "We should get back to the classroom. Lunch is just about over."

       In his hands is a granola bar. I feel bad that I didn't even touch the lunch he got me. I take it from him once I'm on my feet. "I owe you lunch next time."

       "I have other ideas on how you can pay me back," he whispers in my ear, resting his hand on my lower back. His lips nip at my earlobe. "But we'll have to put those plans on hold until after this weekend."

       I feel a shiver race up my spine.

       When we get to the classroom, many of the parents turn and look at me while I walk in. Some of them show a type of sadness in their eyes— must be from what my uncle told them, while others look on and assess me. Near the back of the room, I see Endeavor standing with his arms folded over his chest and an ever present glare. Todoroki doesn't look all that thrilled to have him here.

       "Oh, you must be Y/N!" A short woman coos. I'd recognize those green eyes and similarly colored hair anywhere. "I'm Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother. He's told me a lot about you. I must say, you're prettier than he described."

       I feel the back of my shirt bunch as Katsuki makes a fist and narrows his eyes at Deku. My face heats up slightly. "Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you." I bow my head.

       "And to think that Katsuki was the one to sweep you off your feet," she smiles and clasps her hands under her chin.

       "What's that supposed to mean, Inko?" Mitsuki subtly growls with a fake smile.

       Mrs. Midoriya begins to shake her hands out in front of her frantically and look every which way except at the one she's addressing. "Th-th-that's not what I meant. I just mean that..."

       I see where Midoriya gets it...

       "Alright," Uncle Ai's voice cuts through the awkward tension that seemed to be growing in the room. "Class, please grab your cases from the wall and go get changed. Meet in Gym Gamma when you're dressed. Parents, please follow me."

       The wall opens up and we all grab our assigned cases.

       Per the norm, Bakugo is waiting outside the girl's changing room. He pulls me into by the waist and places a chaste kiss against my mouth.

       "I hope you know that it's taking every part of my being to restrain myself right now," his voice is low and throaty.

       We arrive at Gym Gamma and notice that the parents are up in the wrap around spectators deck... with there backs towards us. In the middle of the gym are different levels of blocks and entranceways, it reminds me of a laser tag course. Cementoss leaves shortly after we all arrive.

       "Today, I thought we could have a little bit of fun while showing your parents what you've learned since starting here at UA," my uncle says with an almost sadistic smile. "I will be splitting you up into three teams of five and one team of six. You will be playing a game of capture the flag. However, it's no ordinary game." He points his hand up at the viewing deck where tv monitors lower from the ceiling. "Each team will have a designated home base area. Gym Gamma, Ground Gamma, Ground Beta and the Tournament arena. There are four different flags: blue, red, yellow and green. Your goal is to be the team with the most flags by the end of the hour. Just because you capture a teams flag does not mean that that team is out. They can either retrieve their flag or go for others. You can steal flags from other teams as well."

       The excitement in the air heightens. I'm not sure if this was my uncles idea or someone else's but I'm stoked.

       "Of course you are able to use your Quirks as much as possible and in any way that you see fit, aside from hurting someone just to hurt them," his eyes shift to Bakugo. "Once you are split into teams, you will be assigned a flag and a location for your base. Once everyone has arrived at their capture the flag headquarters you will have ten minutes to prepare and strategize. Any questions?"

A/N: This idea came to me as I was writing. I want to get more time with the parents so the next part of parents weekend should be out later this week. 😊✌🏻♥️ -Sayori Kaede

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