Chapter Twenty-Eight: Capture the Flag Pt. 1

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       "Please wait until I call everyone in your group before you come up and get your flag," Uncle Ai says as he walks over to where his sleeping bag sits.

       By this point, most have of the parents have turned their attention away from the monitors and are looking down at where we stand. I make the mistake of making eye contact with a few of them and they cover their mouths with their hands while talking with the person next to them. I can see the slight tilt of their head as they look my costume up and down.

       I fold my arms over my exposed stomach and hunch over, doing everything I can to hide myself.

       Bakugo's hand wraps around my elbow, bringing his mouth next to my ear. "Don't hide. You're beautiful. Don't let them make you feel small." His fingers trail down my arm and intertwine with mine.

       I stand up straight and squeeze his hand.

       "Two last rules," my uncle announces. He has a shit-eating smirk that causes the room to fall silent. "One is pretty much a given but I'll say it anyway. When positioning your team flag, at least half of it needs to be visible, it's called capture the flag, not hide and go seek the flag. Secondly, some of you have really powerful Quirks, so to make things fair and more interesting, none of the teams can sweep the victory with one big power move. The game will not be over until after an hour. For example: whatever team Todoroki is on cannot just freeze each area and take the flag while leaving the other teams immobile. While normally I would applaud a big finishing move like that, this is a chance for you all to show off for your parents. You've all learned new ways of using your Quirks and new combat styles since the sports festival. This is the perfect opportunity for you to show off all your hard work. Now I'm not saying you can't immobilize your opponents. Do with that what you will."

"There's definitely more to this exercise than he's letting on," Iida mumbles to no one in particular.

       "There are many situations in which a big take down move like Todoroki's ice is the way to go," Midoriya begins muttering almost to the point of incoherency. "But there are other scenarios where big attacks aren't applicable and can even be counterproductive. A big move would work if everyone was going to be gathered in one place like during our first hero training with All Might but in the game there will be people running around and people staying in place. There's no guarantee that you'll be able to take every member of a team down in one go."

        "Thank god we have Midoriya to tell us all the information," Kaminari slaps the green-haired boy's back.

       Katsuki clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. "Deku won't always be there to pick up your slack. You need to learn to think for yourself. Anyone could have figured that out after the major hint Aizawa gave us."

       I raise my hand and flick my middle finger against Bakugo's forehead. "There are nicer ways to say things."

       His face takes on an angry glare but his eyes are light with playfulness. "You wanna go, Y/N?"

       I fan my hand at him and look away. "Maybe later."

       He retaliates by poking my in my side causing me to squeal and jump to the side.

       "The teams are as follows," Uncle Ai commands the attention back to the front of the room. He pulls a four-foot-by-four-foot green cloth from his giant banana-colored cocoon. "The green team will be Mineta, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Oijiro, Yaoyorozu and Sero. Your home base will be here in Gym Gamma."

       The six of them walk forward and YaoMomo seems less than pleased to be on a team with the currently drooling ball-headed class perv.

       "Next we have the blue team. Your home base with be the first year tournament arena. Those on this team are Tsu, Uraraka, Midoriya, Sato and Koda." After they have their flag my uncle continues. "For the yellow team we have Jiro, Mina, Kaminari, Bakugo and Iida. Your home base is Ground Beta. Which means the red team will be Aoyama, Kirishima, Todoroki, Shoji and Y/N. You five will be operating out of Ground Gamma."

       As the teams start heading out to their respective locations, I notice Katsuki pull Kirishima aside.

~ Bakugo's Point of View ~

       Red. That's all I see when I watch Y/N walk away an all-male group. I doubt any of them would try anything but it still irritates me. She and I haven't paired or grouped up once and truthfully it's getting under my skin.

Before our groups completely part ways, I grab Kirishima's arm.

I wait until Y/N is out of earshot before I say, "If you guys split into partners or anything, I want you to stay with Y/N. Not because of the shadow, she hasn't seen or heard anything from them since they showed up on campus but more because I don't trust anyone else." My eyes fall to the icy-hot bastard walking side-by-side with my girlfriend. Since when were they such close friends?

       Kirishima holds out his fist. "You know I've always got your back man. I'll keep an eye on her and let you know if anything happens."

       "Bakugo! Let's go!" Kaminari yells right before he trips over a rock. That's what he gets for trying to walk backwards and talk at the same time.

I quickly run over to Y/N and pick her up off the ground. Making sure her whole group is watching, I bring her face to mine and give her a long, gentle kiss. "You're mine. You know I love you, right?"

She smiles the only smile that can give me those annoying butterflies that I can never seem to digest. "I love you too but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna kick your ass at capture the flag." Her hand falls to my ass and she playfully squeezes it.

I let her go with one more peck and start running to catch up with my group. "I'd like to see you try!" I yell over my shoulder and she responds with laughter.

~ Reader's Point of View ~

       "Y/N?" Todoroki asks once Katsuki is gone. "Are you like a wizard or something?"

       I do my best but I just can't stifle my laughter. "Yeah, Todoroki, I'm Harry Potter's secret love child."

       His eyes widen and his mouth hangs open slightly. "Woah. That explains so much."

Suddenly, the rest of the group starts to double over with laughter, even Shoji who I've never really seen laugh or smile but that might just because of the way his face is covered. I'm laughing so hard that my eyes begin to water and catching my breath becomes a near-impossible task.

Kirishima punches the dual-Quirk boy in the arm. "You know she's kidding, right?"

       His expression of wonder fades. "But how do you explain Bakugo's behavior ever since she got here? It has to be magic or a love potion," Todo's eyebrows scrunch together.

       Kirishima flexes his arms and looks the icy-hot boy in the face. "It's the power of love."

       "You guys are idiots," I chuckle as we arrive at Ground Gamma.

       The familiar crackle of a P.A. system resounds through the open air. "Alright, you have ten minutes to hide your flag and come up with a plan, starting now. Good luck and may the best team win," Uncle Ai sounds as unenthusiastic as ever.

A/N: So, as I was writing this I realized that everything I want to put into the capture the flag game would be a lot to write/read in one sitting so I'm gonna break it up into two or three parts. Don't worry, Parents Weekend part three is still coming. Also you guys are the best readers ever. You're so supportive and kind and you truly make my day basically every day(: When I last checked because of your support this fic was the number one book under the katsukibakugo tag and we hit 18K. I swear like two days ago it was 14K. I love all of you lovely babes!! Xoxo- Sayori Kaede

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