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Living in the world for 9 years I came to one hell of a conclusion.

I was sceptical at first but after seeing those wanted posters with huge amount of Belli which was written on the posters ,I realised this was no longer a fictional world which i used to see through my laptop screen.

"Mom what is this place called?" I said as I sat down while my mom was braiding my dark long hair.Apparently I was a carbon copy of my mother.Which I am quite happy about since my mom was quite a beauty.

" Dahlia Island..Isn't it a beautiful name?" My mom smiled gently tying my hair, finally done braiding my hair. "We are also in this place called Easy Blue.Do you know what it is?"

"Yeah! There are four Blues in this world namely East,West,North and South.But there is also a mystical blue called All Blue which is said to contain the fishes of all the Blues"I chirped excietedly.My mom looked shocked.

"How do you know all of these? I dont think I ever talked or taughted you about this" My mom asked.

"Um...I asked a marine uncle to tell me this."I answered nervously.

Like how am I even supposed to say I'm not from this world.


Every thing was completely the same mundane life.My mom staying back doing the laundry and me going to the markets to buy stuff for lunch.

As I walked I noticed some children playing.
Honestly no matter how much my mother nagged I never really liked socialising with those children.

I was far too mature, after all I was already 18 when I had passed in my previous life.

Judging by the timeline here,it hasn't been long since the pirate king was executed.I don't remember much about it.All I remember was a dark haired protagonist with rubber powers.

I sighed.Staying here for a long time made me forget alot.

Finally reaching my destination.It was a small shop near the shore.I then called out "Uncle! Some fresh fish please"

"Sure lil lad. Just a moment" An old man came out smiling while looking at my small figure.

"How are you,small Emilia?" The man said while puting a few fishes in a plastic.

"I'm well." I said "I've been studying a lot."

"Oh..For what?"

"Just like that.I was just curious about this world." I said looking at the old man as he gave me the plastic full of fishes.

"Well..Take it easy.You still go a long life ahead of you"The old man smiled.

The old man once again opened his mouth to say something but then a loud shout intervened

"PIRATES!!" A man shouted.
Then from then on everyone was panicking.Well of course.From time to time this small island was a victim of pirates.

Suddenly my mom ran towards me. "Emilia!" She half shouted. "Come on.Lets get somewhere safe."

But as I looked back I noticed that it was too late.The pirates were near the shore.
Some of the villagers had decided that they would try and fight.

My mom ran and took a corner to the left which had a huge box.My mom settled me down and opened the box.

"Mom?" I called out confused.She then put me in the box.

"Emilia...I need you to stay here quietly and no matter what you do don't come out."She said with the softest voice ever.

"But what about you?" You were no idiot.She is probably going to go there and fight.She has always been that way. A single,independent yet strong women.The old man of the fish shop used to say she was a marine or sort.

I waited for her to answer and say she would come back.But she didnt.
She kissed my forehead and then closed the box.

After that there was a lot of shouting.All mixed.You couldn't recognise nor distinguish them .

Every second in the box felt like eternity.It was so suffocating.



I opened the box a bit just to see what's happening when I noticed a man (probably a pirate ) holding onto mom's hair then he swung his sword.

3rd person POV

Emilia's whole world went still and quite.
She blankly stared at the pirate not moving.She wasn't even trying to hide or anything.Just blanking staring while standing on the now open box.
The pirate who killed her mother took notice of her.

"HUH?! A brat is here.Since she ain't of any use,it's better to just get rid of her."The pirate muttered to himself and started to walk towards Emilia.

Just when he was a few feet near her.Emilia finally realised what had happened around her.

Her mother died protecting her and now the same killer was walking towards her.

No...no..I don't want to die!! Emilia internally screamed.
She wanted to live this time.She wanted to stay in the same house her mother raised her.She want to talk to the old man who seems to know alot about this world.She wanted to learn and do so much more.Most importantly she wanted to save him.

Then suddenly a huge wave of energy came out of her and hit the man.

This caused the pirate and several people around him to pass out.Honestly Emilia her self wasnt feeling well after this. She was also confused as to what caused these people to pass out.

"GAHAHAH!" A new voice appeared.Emilia was again alert."Who would have thought a small child can show this much of a strong haki."

Emilia tried focusing on the man but her fatigued self wasnt helping.

It was huge man,wearing a suite with a marine jacket.He had a thick beard with bi-coloured hair and a scar near his eye.

Emilia didn't know why but seeing the man made her relieved and all the adrenaline which was there started to wear out and then she finally passed out.

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