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The days went on. During the first week the team was currently separated into three different groups ; Ace and Sabo were kept on attacking the Tiger, Luffy decided to stay with Naguri and train.

Emilia also decided to train however unlike the previous training sessions with the boys, the one she was currently doing was more hard core. She practiced transferring armament haki into her sword for the whole week.

It was indeed very difficult. Each passing day made her body ache more than the previous and by the end of the day she would always be close to passing out, having energy to only walk back home,thankfully Naguri volunteered to make dinner .But this pain did bear fruit at the end. At the end of the week she managed to cover her sword till the very top with her haki.

She also noted that Luffy's training with Naguri made his accuracy improve alot. Previously his punch wouldn't even go to the direction he wanted but now he was able to hit Naguri who was a few inches away from the target. When Ace asked what techniques Naguri taught Luffy, the old man simply shrugged and said. "I made him chop down trees."

After that one week span, everyone continued to stay with Naguri, who helped them with their training.

The team also helped Naguri in building his ship, if they were going to stay with him, might as well help the old man in his dream of sailing once more and finding his crew mates.

"Making them work on the ship." Emilia started looking at the man who sat near the fire. " They probably didn't notice but you're doing this to train their body,aren't you?" She asked.

"Hahaha! It's more like give and take." The man said looking at the boys who were all asleep,snoring loudly. "They help me build the ship and that makes them build their body."

"But our part is receiving much more though." Emilia continued as she sat next to the old man. "You're also helping them by sparring and also making them study." Even thought they don't pay attention to the latter. She mentally added, an image of all three of tge boys sleeping as Naguri was making them study appeared.

"But I don't see you training with them much." Naguri said as he added a chop of wood into the fire. "I was curious as to what you were doing so I went and look. You're training with haki."

"I am."

Naguri looked at Emilia with a curious expression. "Why don't you teach those children as well?"

"I won't." Emilia added in a tone which made Naguri drop the topic. I won't change anything other than saving Ace.


Days went on. The snow which once covered the ground slowly melt away and the weather kept on getting warmer. The barren trees slowly started to develop a pink colour,cherry blossoms, indicating that spring was now here.

Naguri and Emilia sat on a high ground watching Ace,Sabo and Luffy. The day was finally here,they had decided that today was the day one of them would defeat the tiger king and become captain.

Emilia's eyes were on Sabo.No matter how much she brain stormed she has no recollection of Sabo what so ever. She remembered stuff about Ace and Luffy from her previous life. Ace was going to be under White beard, one of the four emperors of the sea. She remembered that. She also had small recollection on Luffy's future crew mates. A thief, a flirty cook, a long nosed liar, a swordman, an animal who is the ships doctor, an archaeologist, a cyborg and finally a skeleton.

Sh doesn't remember much about their names and detailed appearance but still she remembered a bried stuff .However in Sabo's case, not a thing.She didn't remember anything at all.

Emilia's thoughts were interrupted when a loud familiar roar was heard. "It's time,isn't  it?" Naguri said,smiling to himself.

A large sullioute emerged from the woods making the tiger fully shown.

"I'll go first." Ace shouted as he rushed towards the forest. Ace dodged the first attack of the tiger with ease and followed by hitting the tiger directly on its face.

"How's that!" Ace said while smiling, but he didn't notice the incoming tail of the tiger. With the tail, the tiger hit Ace making him fall down rather harshly.

Taking the chance Sabo used his weapon, a rope with a rock attached on its end. The rope circles around the tigers neck and started to pull it. "Now, I'll take you on!" Sabo said reeling the rope in.

However it proved useless because the tiger pulled Sabo in instead and swung his arms at Sabo making him fly off.

Annoyed the tiger looked at Luffy who was the only one standing and started charging directly at Luffy.

"Damn it!" Luffy cursed. "Gomu-Gomu no Pistol." Luffy stretched his hand as he punched. But that had little to no effect on the tiger, who continued charging at Luffy and when the tiger was close enough, he raised his paw and swung at Luffy.

"Luffy!" Emilia shouted as she was about to jump down and save him. But this was stopped by Naguri's out stretched arm.

"Now Now. You should stay and see what happens." The old man said still looking in front,making Emilia also follow his line of sight.

Emilia's eyes widened. Ace and Sabo were both under the tigers paw, protecting Luffy. Using their strength they pushed off the tiger and separated into two teams. Ace and Luffy ran whereas Sabo stayed behind luring the tiger away from them.

Luffy who was in the forest, stretched his hands and made them seem like a catapult.Ace stayed in front and as Luffy lifted himself, this propelled Ace into the air.

Ace held tightly into his iron pipe and swung with all his might and hit the tiger on the jaw. The tiger let out a small growl but soon passed out.

"We did it!" The boys said as they lifted their arms into the air.

"I guess the captain is Ace." Sabo sulked,letting out a sigh.

Luffy who finally came into realisation to the fact,put his hands on his head and shouted. "I trained so hard,too!"

"Sheesh." Ace said looking away. "Don't worry.I won't become captain."


"It's not as if I defeated the tiger alone." Ace put his arms on his hips and smiled. "Someday, you two are gonna be begging me to be your captain, anyways."

"You gonna beg for it?"

"Not at all."

"Gahhhhh! You guys."

"I guess every thing worked out at the end." Emilia heard Naguri say softly.

"Are you going to leave now?" Emilia asked. Since they did complete the ship the previous night, she thought that the man might set on his journey.

"Yeah." He said as he walked away. However his action was stopped by Ace's shout.

"Next time we meet, I'll win." Ace shouted ,implying to the scene when Ace challenged Naguri once and lost. "Don't let anyone beat you till then."

"Naguri-san." Emilia said she she stood up and bowed deeply. "Thank you for always taking care of us .Not only in terms of strength but also they seemed to mature mentally. I am really grateful."

"I'll be waiting for you at the sea." Naguri said grinning. Being with those small brats for months made him attached to them. The old man then removed his cloak and tied it to his hammer and lifted it high.

The flag containing the symbol of the crew once under Naguri, fluttered.


A/N : I'm sorry for the crappy chapter. I really hesitated to write this part of the chapter or not but in the end I thought this might me necessary.

This contained alot of time skips and there will most probably more time skips from here onwards cus I intend to end this arc soon.

Thank you for reading!~ I will update the next chapter soon.

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