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A!N : This scene takes place when Sabo was still with them.


It was quite a hot day so the team decided that they should just have a lazy day today. Honestly if they were to run around they would probably pass out from the heat .

"Look Sabo!" Luffy smiled at the older boy who was sitting next to him,fanning him self with one hand as the other hand supported him. "It's a small fish!" Luffy continued as he poked a stick into the small stream. The small boy's attention then went towards a beetle which was near him. Was this boy unaffected by the heat?

"Yeah..." Sabo spoke with disinterest. Fishes were the last thing on his mind,he just want to rest in a cool place. Just then a light bulb turned on in Sabo's brain as he walked towards the water body and rolled his pants up and dipped his legs into the water.

"Ah..." Sabo said with bliss closing his eyes. His body finally cooling down.

"Sabo! Sabo!" Luffy called out again as he approached the boy with a beetle on his hand. "I found a huge beetle!" Luffy spoke with excitement drenched in his voice.

"Eh...How cool." Sabo said in a tone which clearly meant "I don't really care." The sun really sucked his energy dry.

"Tch! I'll just go show it to Emilia." Luffy frowned and turned around then started walking to the direction of the said girl.

Sabo's eyes widened after he heard what Luffy said. "Ah!" Sabo exclaimed. "Don't go there!"

Luffy turned around and looked at his older brother with a confused look. Why wasn't Sabo letting him go where he wanted? "Why?" The boy asked.

"I...uh...I wanted to talk about how cool that beetle is!" Sabo made up an excuse on the spot, making a fake shim burst around him.

"It'sreally cool isn't it?!" Luffy replied back, with his frown already turned into a grin as he continued to talk about the beetle he caught. Sabo wiped the sweat which had formed on his forehead, relieved that Luffy no longer was thinking of going towards Emilia. From the corner of his eyes he looked at her.

Emilia was sitting reading a book as she leaned against a huge tree which gave her the shade she wanted,protecting her from the direct sunlight. And beside her sat Ace,also leaning against the tree with his arms behind his head,eyes closed.

Ace slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Emilia. He watched as the girl read her book on god knows what,in silence with only distant voices of Luffy and Sabo assisted with the chirps of the cicadas.

As if noticing Ace's look she turned towards the boy and asked. "What is it?" The boys didn't say anything and simply shook his head. Emilia continued to stare at the boy. And after a while she closed her book and placed it on the ground beside her.

She leaned closer to Ace,making the boy lean away from her,nervously.Her face was too close for Ace's comfort.

"Ace...Ace has pretty eyes." Emilia said as she continued look at the nervous boy. Ace could literally feel her breath on his face,that's how close she was.

Ace's mind was slowing blanking away as the girl kept on coming closer to him as she continued to look into his eyes. How was He supposed to act in such a situation.

Ace suddenly stood up. "I won't give you my eyes! I still need it!" And as soon as those words left his mouth he felt his face burn in embarrassment. Emilia looked at him with a shocked expression, mouth slightly open.

And in a distance he could hear Sabo roaring in laughter.


A/N : Just a head up, I probably won't be posting as frequently as before (if posting about 3-4 chapters a month counts as frequent) since I will be starting collage in July. But then I will try!

Anyways thank you for reading!

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