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"Sabo! He is coming your way!" Ace said as he run as fast as he could against the harsh snow. "Don't let him get away!" Ace shouted as he smiled to himself. They already caught one in the morning so if they caught one more, it was going to be a feast. He sure wasn't going to let it get away. This snowy harsh weather ain't nothing if he got food in the end.

"Don't worry, I wont!" Sabo replied as he continued to chase after their prey. He made a swift turn making their prey trapped in between them.

The danpa (AN: the animal looks like a panda) hesitated for a bit and then changed directions directly towards a cliff in panic. Yes! He headed in the exact place we wanted. Sabo said now running along side with Ace.

"Luffy! Emilia! Get ready" Ace shouted knowing that both Emilia and Luffy were on top of the cliff waiting for the right moment to jump and attack.

"He is here." Emilia said looking at the bear. Knowing Luffy he must be trembling with excitement, after all this child really loved to eat meat. "Let's go."

As soon as she said that, Luffy and Emilia both jumped off the cliff with their weapons in hand. Luffy had a metal pipe just like Sabo and Ace whereas Emilia had a homemade kendo sword.

"I won't let you get away." Luffy said. Emilia reached on the ground first .She then infused haki into her sword. It didn't cover the sword completely but it was getting there. She hit danpa, making it fly slightly .

Luffy who was nearing the ground started to hold onto his pipe tightly. Luffy then raised his hand and hit the bear with his pipe, knocking the danpa out .

"We did It!" Luffy shouted with glee, also earning praises from Sabo.

As Emilia watched Luffy(who was celebrating around their dead prey) proudly since the kid finally got his first prey ( it was usually her or the brothers who dealt with the final blow) , however she suddenly noticed a figure approaching. "Luffy! Get away!" She said as he rushed to him, swiftly picking him up by the collar and grouped with Sabo and Ace.

Ace looked at Emilia confused. "What is It,Emilia?" He asked.

"Look there!" Sabo spoke up. A large tiger was on the top of the cliff, where Luffy and Emilia previously stood. This forest was home to very large and terrifying animals but this one was the mightiest.

"It's the tiger king!" Luffy said in trembling voice.

"He must have caught wind of our prey."

"We should get away from here!" Sabo suggested as he started backing away slowly. "It probably wants the danpa."

Just then the tiger jumped and landed on the ground making the ground shake a bit. The wasn't the first time Emilia saw this tiger but it never ceases to amaze her on how big it was.

Luffy looked at the tiger straight in his eyes and said with a trembling voice. "But Its my prize! I'm not going to let you-"

"Luffy, we back off now!" Emilia intervened pushing Luffy back , just in case this boy jumped unpredictably.

The three older children looked at each other and nodded. They all then picked up Luffy and ran away since the tiger was currently distracted by the dead danpa.

After that the team once again tried to catch another danpa to make up for the one they lost but unfortunately no animals were found which made Luffy even more depressed. And soon the sun set making them return back with the first danpa they caught early in the morning.

Luffy sighed as he was crossing the bridge. Sabo noticing that turned back.He reply ptried that small boy . "Sorry about your first prize, Luffy."

Ace frowned "Leave him alone. We had no chance against that tiger." He said,continuing to carry the danpa.

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