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Emilia stood quietly watching the doctor treat Luffy.It took an hour for the doctor to do everything.He firstly brought tons of herbs and mixed then putting some more herbs. Then fed these to Luffy.

Emilia wanted to learn this.

Then after two whole hours of waiting , Luffy opened his eyes.

"Luffy! " Makino shouted and hugged Luffy.

" Is there food?" Luffy said rubbing his eyes. That child probably didn't even remember that he almost died from the poison.

"Huh? Makino...what are you doing here?" Luffy said finally taking a look at his surrounding.

After explaining everything , the doctor finally stood up.

"Well then, I'll be going now." The doctor said as he started packing his stuff. Emilia bowed and thanked him.

The doctor just looked at her and smiled.

After that Makino insisted to let Luffy stay here for the night, every one started climbing the mountain. The mountain bandits didn't complain.

Do you how much that skinny child even eats.They almost flew with joy when Makino said those words. More food for them selves.

Emilia and the mountain bandits soon reached home.

As she was eating, she saw Ace going outside.

"Luffy will be staying in the village for the night." Emilia said staring at Ace.

"As if I care. " Ace broke the eye contact and went outside holding the metal pipe he always carried.

Emilia sighed.This was the first interaction between them and she still wasn't able to hold a long conversation with him at all.

Ace would always ignore them or do something to make them go away. Did he like being alone or something?

Ace continued to move into the woods. Sabo said something about stealing from a group who recently found some gold.

He finally reached his destination and started climbing the huge tree.And found no one there.

Guess Sabo isn't here yet. Ace thought.

Ace's mind then went back to the girl who stared at him with her deep blue eyes.Ace felt his cheeks warm up.

It must be because of running. He thought, ignoring this feeling.


The next day, Emilia once again went down to the village.

She sweat dropped at the sight in front of her when she entered the house Luffy was in.

There he was, the child who claimed he would be the pirate King, eating more than what 10 normal people could manage and with Makino sitting next to him smiling.

"Oh Emilia! You're here." Makino smiled finally noticing the girl staying by the door.

"How is his condition? " Emilia asked as she now started walking towards them.

"As you can see, He is doing well."

After that, silence took over the room.The only sound that was heard was Luffy's munching and the plates being either picked up or put down.

"M-Makino san..." Emilia said finally bringing up the courage. "Can you introduce me to yesterday's doctor?"

Makino looked at the child confused.

"Yesterday when I saw Luffy sick, I didn't do anything.I didn't know what to do...I was totally useless...Because of my carelessness..Luffy almost-" Emilia continued to say with tears forming.

"It's not your fault." Makino said rubbing the girl's hair then finally bringing her to a hug. Makino wondered what made this small fragile girl to blame herself.

She was still so young and tiny. But without a doubt she had a strong sense of responsibility and cared deeply for others. Makino wanted her to grow equally with children of the same age group.After all this was the age were children usually have fun and play not cry and take responsibilities.

Emilia stopped talking all together and staying quietly in Makino' s hug. She missed this feeling.

"Which is why I wanted to learn medicine...I dont want anything happen to them. And if such a situation falls upon us again, this time I'll be able to save them."

Emilia said, now pulling away from Makino. She looked up and saw Makino stare at her.

Emilia blushed. I made myself look weak.

"Sure." Makino said again smiling at her.

After that Makino took her to the doctor's place and requested him to take her in.
The doctor was reluctant at first but after begging him for a long time.

"Fine." He finally gave in.Emilia felt relief wash over her.

Both Makino and Emilia thanked him.

"Then I'll take my leave." Makino said going outside.

"Makino san, thank you so much." Emilia said bowing.

Makino smiled at the young girl. "Makino is fine."

After that Emilia's stared at the doctor waiting for him to say something.

"I'm sure you want to learn how to make medicines.." the doctor said as he walked towards his book shelf. "But the firstly you have to learn about the diseases, their symptoms and cures."

The doctor then passed the book towards Emilia who caught it with ease.

The doctor again picked another book and passed it. "And of course you have to know what kind of plants you need to make those medicines."

"I understand..." Emilia said as she looked at the two thick books in her hand.

"You can learn those for now and after you know everything, come to me again." The doctor said. "I'll teach you everything I know."

Three days later the girl came again.

"Huh? What is it ? A doubt?" The doctor asked, wondering why the girl was here.

"No." The girl shook her head. " I'm done."

Impossible The doctor thought. It took him 2 months to read one book and this girl took only 3 days to read two of them.

"If you don't mind, can I ask some question from them?"

"I dont mind."

The doctor walked towards her and picked one of the book from her hands.

"What is hyperthermia?"

"Hyperthermia is a elevated body temperature condition due to failed thermoregulation . This extreme temperature elevation becomes a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment to prevent disability or death."

"What is there in page 1494?"

"It talk about internal bleeding."

After an hour of question answer session on both the books, the doctor was shocked.

This child was like no other.Not only did she read the whole two books in mere three days but she has all those information stored.

He looked at the young girl who was currently trying to make a medicine, the doctor instructed.

Without a doubt this girl is a prodigy.

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