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Emilia had woken up to a loud laughing noise.She stood up from the bed (?).It was just board put together and a futon on top.Emilia sweat dropped.

She looked around and saw that the walls were was oddly shaking making her assume that she was on a ship.Then suddenly she remembered everything.


Emilia was about to rush out when she thought what if she had been kidnapped by that god damn pirate.

So she quietly and carefully opened the door to peek.There were men everywhere all dressed in a familiar blue and white.
"What are marines even doing here?" She whispered to herself.

"Well that's because you're on our ship!GAHAHA" A loud voice boomed from her side making Emilia jump.It was the same huge man she saw before she passed out still looking as intimidating as ever.

"Ya don't worry.Everything will be fine."The man looked at her as he munched on his crackers.

"Where are you taking me?! What happened to the village?! What about my Mom?! "Emilia yelled,eyes half filled with tears.

The man sighed "The village is fine..Just a bit messed up.But your mom..."

She is dead. Those words hanged heavily in the air.

Emilia knew that of course but somewhere within her heart she still wasn't ready to accept this.Growing up with someone for the past 9 years makes you really attached.

"My name's Garp. I'm a marine"The man said.

What a familiar sounding name. Emilia thought.

"My name is Ainsworth Emilia." Emilia's voice almost cracked.How can she stay normal after losing someone so precious to her.

"Well.. Listen here.I discussed with your village and decided to take you to my village."Garp said while digging his nose as if taking a kid from their home and taking it to his was a normal thing.

"W-why?!" It was scary. Was I abandoned by my village?!

"Don't over think your self. GAHAHAH! My village is quite a safe place so that's why the people of your village is sending you there.Guess pirates attacking you village is quite normal." Garp said as he started to eat his crackers again.

How un-hygenic Emilia thought.

"Also.." Garps face turned quite serious. "You have quite a powerful force within you and that place will be a perfect place to train it."

"Is it about my Conqueror's haki?" Emilia said.She remembered these few stuff from her previous life.

"Oh. You know about these..When did you know you had It?" Garp questioned.

"I read it in a book." She lied. "And I didn't know I had it until today..."

There was a silence.

"WELL ANYWAYS! You're going to a village called Fuusha Village. GAHAHAHA! I have my two grandsons there as well. It hasn't even been 2 weeks since the younger one arrived." Garp explained.

"Vice Admiral Garp!" Another man in marine dress came running. "There is a pirate ship in the West!"

So this man is a vice-admiral...Wow

"Well.. How about you go in that room, child. Things might get abit crazy here. GAHAHA." Garp laughed as he went to the row of canons talking about how he is gonna throw them like meteors.

Emilia followed his words and went inside the room.

Mom . She thought as she cried herself ignoring the laugh of Garp along with boom of canons in the back ground.

Emilia then fell asleep.


"Oi Brat wake up. We're here." Emilia felt someone wake her up.

Damn She felt like crap after all that crying.

"Am I going to stay here? In that village?" She questioned Garp following him out side but he didn't answer though. He just kept walking as if looking happy to be here again.

Well..You could say Fuusha Village is...Living up to its name. There was this gentle breeze blowing and along with it there were windmills.

It wasnt such a bad place! Maybe I 'll love it here. Emilia thought smiling.

"GAHAHA! You wont won't be staying here. Come on follow me!"Garp said suddenly making Emilia nervous.

He took her around the village and along the way many people greeted him.

Maybe he is a famous person after all being a vice-admiral was no easy task.But still there was this bad feeling within Emilia.

And that bad feeling exactly came true when Garp led her to a mountain.But it wasn't like the mountains you had in Dahlia village.

The mountains in Dahlia village was green with many flowers.Emilia would often find deers and rabbits near the edge of the forest.

This mountain was downright terrifying .It was dark and the size of the animals were huge.

"GAHAHA!" Garp laughed as he threw away a huge bear who was about to attack him making her sweat drop.

Emilia started to wonder if he really was a human like her.

"Garp-san..May I know the name of your grandsons?" Emilia said timidly.

"The older one is 10, his name is Ace while the other one is 7, He is called Luffy! GAHAHAH!" Garp explained "I'm going to raise them into fine marines one day!"


Those names sounded way to familiar.

"We're here!" Garp said still ever so enthusiastic while our poor Emilia was half way dead.

Climbing that mountain and running ways from those animals were no easy task.Especially if Garp just marched forward without a care that Emilia will be eaten.

Thank God I practiced fighting in order to protect myself. Emilia thought.

Emilia finally looked up and saw a house.It wasn't well maintained but somehow it made her feel at home.

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