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The atmosphere was completely different here.

The people who were with Garp were friendly. Everyone was smiley and some even fought back at Garp when he did something weird. Sure they were not that accepting towards Emilia in the beginning but it was only because they thought the child would not be able to take care of herself, increasing the burden on the ship. But spending about 4 years with them made Emilia like them a lot and vice versa.

However, in Akainu's ship the atmosphere here, for the lack of better words, was tense. Everyone seemed to be on the edge and most of the crew members, themselves were quite cold towards each other. After observing for few days, she realized that they were made that way by Akainu. Everyone near him had their back straightened and made sure everything they did was given their 100 percent. They even had training routine in the morning!

And it did not help at all that Emilia was handpicked by the admiral himself. Apparently this was the first time it happened because usually the members are send by a team who does the entrance test and those members were weak or useless, they would be kicked out by Akainu.

Akainu would also train her whenever he was free.

"Why" Emilia would ask.

"Because you would be a powerful weapon if trained properly." Would be his answer.

Other members would always use the word favoritism around Emilia. And because of that jealousy, they would always make sure to give the works which everyone usually avoided such as peeling the ingredients, washing the dishes or cleaning the toilets to her. Not to mention the accidental pushes. Emilia could not believe what she was faced with at first. She was a child. She was a 13 year old child and was being pushed around by full grown adults. Oh the pettiness of these people!

However she did not complain or fight back because alas, her rank was simply a 'sea man', one of the lowest rank in the marine, and the people around her were all higher ranks, at least compared to her. Not to mention that they were her seniors so for now she decided to just suck it up.

Akainu mainly focused on training haki more than anything else. He said that as you keep on progressing further along the Grand Line, many of the powerful people were Devil fruit users.

"If you were to ever find a Devil Fruit would you eat it?" Akainu asked one day as he walked back into the ship. They just saved a village which was being attacked.

Emilia walked fast, besides the Admiral and then stood at the decks as the waves took us to their next mission spot. She brought her hands on her chin as she thought for a bit. "No...I'd rather not." She finally said. If she were to meet up with Ace or Luffy later on, she didn't want to be someone who would be held back due to presence of water.

She lifted her head and her eyes met with her superior. His didn't say anything further and continued looking at her as if to make her justify her answer. "I personally don't have much knowledge on Devil Fruits so if I were to eat it, it would be a gamble." Emilia explained. "On top, not all Devil Fruits are powerful."

"But I would consider it if I have a Devil Fruits which can give me aerial abilities." Emilia added.

"And especially in the ocean , which is surrounded by water flying above water will be useful, if not for those type of devil fruit it'll just make us weak and it is more of a minus-" Emilia stopped. Crap! She forgot that the man next to her was a devil fruits user. Emilia shook her hands in panic. "That's is just my opinion! People, strong as yourself probably don't have to worry about these-"

"No." Akainu cut her off. "I was also going to advise you against eating a devil fruits as well."

"Your progress regarding both your haki and strength is quite fast." The tall admiral complimented, making Emilia mutter a small 'Thank you'. "When you get stronger, I plan to make you my right hand man at least that is if you are able to continuously get stronger. I have no need for a weak right hand man."

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