Chapter 3

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Mitsuko entered the car and so did the bodyguards. One of them was the driver and he drove off taking Mitsuki to the company. After the ride Mitsuko arrived and got off of the car. She walked to the entrance and walked inside the building
"Hey Mitsuko" Her cousin said
"Hello Estella" Mitsuko said. Estella had a body of a Taniguchi woman of course and she was slightly a pervert. She had short hair that reached to her shoulders and somewhat looked like Mitsuko but didn't act nothing like her and she smiled a lot
"Are you here to see the old man?" Estella asked
"Yes..." Mitsuko said heading to the elevator
"Hmm? For what?" Estella asked following her to the elevator
"News about Mizusawa" Mitsuko said as she pressed the button for the elevator
"Oooh you mean the little cutie?" Estella asked
"Yes. I tried to get her but her cousin Nitski was there. Matsuri doesn't seem to remember anything" Mitsuko said and the elevator doors opened. She walked inside and so did Estella
"So the rumor about Matsuri having a dick is true?" Estella asked
"Disgusting. You need to stop thinking about shit like that..." Mitsuko said feeling uncomfortable around her
"Jeez relax. People always get those naughty thoughts once in a while" Estella said. Mitsuko just gave her a death glare
"Stop being so serious Mitsuko. Just loosen up a bit or at least get a boyfriend. You're still a virgin" Estella said
"We're done talking" Mitsuko said as the elevator stopped and its doors opened. She walked out and Estella walked out the elevator. She just giggled softly and sighed
"She hasn't changed but her sister sure did..." Estella said. Mitsuko walked to the office and knocked on the door
"Come in" Hojo said. Mitsuko opened the door and walked in
"Hello father" Mitsuko said
"Oh Mitsuko...have you gotten that brat?" Hojo asked
"Not yet sir. I tried to but her cousin Nitski was there" Mitsuko said
"We seriously need to get that brat. Our company needs it. It's starting to fall apart.. if we don't partner up with the Mizusawas soon then I'll end up losing power" Hojo said and sighed deeply
"Try to get a closer relationship-no wait. We'll make Harumi to try and be friends with her. We need that signature as soon as possible. In the meantime...try and seduce or be friendly with that young brat if you see her again" Hojo said
"Yes sir..." Mitsuko said
"And try to find out where she lives. You must accomplish this. This company depends on you. Understand?" Hojo asked
"Yes sir. I won't fail you father" Mitsuko said
"And bring Harumin in after school. I have to speak with her as well about the little plan we have for her" Hojo said
"Yes father" Mitsuko replied and walked out the office
I can't disappear my father...

"Finally! We're out of here! Hopefully we don't get detention again..." Yuzu said as she was packing her things to leave
"Yeah and my day keeps getting worse since my father wants me to check out the company. I'll be working there soon.'s going to be boring" Harumin said
"But isn't business stuff just like sitting in front of a computer doing important work?" Yuzu asked
"That's why it's boring but at least you make good money" Harumin said
"Hehe I guess we'll see each other tomorrow since you have to deal with the company" Yuzu said
"Yeah. Well I have to go now. Bye Yuzucchi" Harumin said and walked out. She passed by a couple of empty classrooms and stopped by one. She heard a couple of noises in there. To be specific it was...erotic noises. Harumin opened the door slightly and her eyes widen seeing Shai and Himeko kissing each other. Their hair were a bit messy and their shirts had a couple of unbuttoned buttons
"AHHHHH! YUZUCCHI! IT HAPPENED!" Harumin exclaimed. Shai and Himeko gasped and blushed deeply
"Taniguchi-san!?" Himeko exclaimed. Yuzu was out of the classroom and ran towards Harumin then looked inside
"Huh? Wait what happened?" Yuzu asked
"They kissed!" Harumin said
"Omg! It happened! I knew it!" Yuzu said
"Shut up!" Himeko said. Shai was trembling and whimpering
"Hey Shai. Sorry about that but it's okay" Yuzu said smiling. Shai trembled and looked away blushing deeply feeling embarrassed
"Hey Okogi-san relax. Yuzucchi does it all the time in school with the Prez. Well see ya tomorrow Yuzucchi! Bye!" Harumin said and left
"H-harumin!" Yuzu exclaimed as she blushed
"So I was right all along! You and Meimei have been doing it behind my back! No wonder Meimei was so tired! You've been seducing her!" Himeko said
"Wh-what? No! That's not true!" Yuzu said
"Then why are you blushing!" Himeko said
"B-because u-um...well you were doing it with my cousin!" Yuzu said
"Don't try changing the topic!" Himeko said
"Shut up both of you!" Mei said sternly and glared at the girls
"Mei!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"President!?" Himeko exclaimed. Mei stood there looking at the situation. She spotted Himeko's and Shai's slightly unbuttoned shirts. Shai was still trembling and shaking like she were about to cry
"I won't say anything about this but you two seriously need to keep it down. You both give me a headache" Mei said
"Sorry Mei" Yuzu said
"Forgive me President" Himeko said. Mei just nodded and left. Shai just clenched her fists tightly and grabbed her stuff and left in a hurry
"Shai wait!" Himeko said
"Hehe guess you should've taken things slow. Shai is a really shy and timid type. Did you force yourself onto her?" Yuzu asked
"K-kinda..." Himeko said
"As I thought...Shai's never been into a religion before so yeah but don't worry she doesn't hate you. She's just embarrassed that she was caught in a situation like this" Yuzu said
"Yeah.." Himeko said
"Oh that's right. I need to get going! See ya tomorrow Momokino-san!" Yuzu said and ran out the classroom. She ran through the halls and was lucky to not getting caught by one of the Student Council members except for Himeko but she was a bit busy trying to get herself together. Yuzu ran out the Academy and headed to the hospital in a hurry.
I need to get there! Hopefully she's doing okay!
Yuzu stopped and entered the hospital. Once she caught her breath Yuzu walked to the lady
"I'm here to see Matsuri Mizusawa" Yuzu said
"I'm sorry ma'am but she already checked out" The lady said
"Huh? She did? you know where she lives?" Yuzu asked
"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't give you any personal information about her since you're not a family member" The lady said. Yuzu groaned and gasped. She looked at the TV and her eyes widen seeing the news
"Today near the store we saw the young Mizusawa who survived the car crash. As you can see in this video it seems that the Mizusawas might not have a good relationship with the Taniguchis. Will the young Mizusawa sign the contract with the Taniguchis or will the Taniguchis lose everything they own?" The reporter said
So Matsuri will inherit the company. Ah! That's it! Harumin can help me find her! Ugh but not now...she's busy with her own business thing
Yuzu walked out the hospital and headed home
Maybe I should try and contact Shai. We really need to talk about what happened back there with Himeko
Yuzu walked back to her place and took off her shoes. The house was empty and she turned on the lights seeing Mei
"M-mei!?" Yuzu exclaimed and fell
"Where the hell have you been? I told you to change your outfit when you leave the Academy" Mei said
"S-sorry but do you really have to scare me like that? Just wait for me in the darkness and come out of nowhere?" Yuzu asked
"It's cute when you're scared" Mei said
"Ugh...whatever. I was trying to see Matsuri but she got checked out" Yuzu said and grabbed the remote to the TV and turned it on to the news channel
"It's everywhere in the news" Yuzu said
"About that Matsuri girl?" Mei asked
"Yes...people are basically talking about it everywhere in the news. Oh also there was a video. Apparently the Mizusawas hate the Taniguchis" Yuzu said. Suddenly a video showed of a blue haired dude about to punch a tall woman but Matsuri stood in front of her protecting her
"Hey who is that woman?" Yuzu asked
"Mitsuko Taniguchi. It's Harumi's big sister" Mei said
"You know her?" Yuzu asked
"She was the first student to be the Student Council President. She was really popular in the Academy and she still is. She'll be inheriting her father's company" Mei said
"How do you know all that kind of stuff?" Yuzu asked
"My grandfather talks to Mr. Taniguchi about that kind of business stuff" Mei said
"Is grandpa in the business or something like that?" Yuzu asked
"Kinda but he hates being involved of some company since he's got his own problems in the Academy" Mei said
"Ah...I see. Oh yeah! I need to contact Shai!" Yuzu said and got up from the couch to grab the phone. She contacted her aunt and answered
"Hey Auntie. I was wondering if Shai is with you" Yuzu said
"She is. I'll call her. Oh Yuzu I'd like to thank you for helping my daughter get in the Academy. If it weren't for you we would have to move back" Her aunt said
"No problem Auntie. I love to help" Yuzu replied
"Shai there is someone on the phone" Shai's mother called. Shai came out of her room and walked to her mother grabbing the phone
"H-hello?" Shai asked
"Hey Shai! It's me" Yuzu said
"Oh Yuzuko! Hi!" Shai said
"It seems your back to your normal self hehehe" Yuzu giggled
"Y-yeah" Shai said and blushed remembering what happened back there
"Anyways mind if I asked what happened?" Yuzu asked
"W-well um...I guess" Shai said
"Alright class dismissed. Remember to do your homework" The teacher said. Shai stood from her seat and put her notebook inside her bag. Himeko walked up to her and tapped her shoulder
"O-oh hey Himeko" Shai said
"Shai...I must have a word with you alone" Himeko said
"Huh? N-now?" Shai asked
"Yes...but once the students and teachers leave. So don't go anywhere and stay here for a while. I'll be right back" Himeko said in a serious tone then walked out the class. Shai looked confused and sat back down at her desk
'Why does she want to talk to me? About what? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her in some way?'
After a couple of minutes being in the empty classroom Himeko came back. Shai was asleep having her head down on the desk. Himeko walked up to her and stroked her hair softly
'Her hair is soft...and pretty'
Himeko leaned in and kissed her ear softly. Shai moved a bit but was still asleep. Himeko blushed deeply and started licking her ear slowly and sucked on it gently
"M-mmm...h-huh? What?" Shai asked and blushed. Himeko pulled away from her and looked away
"Wh-what were you d-doing?" Shai asked
"N-nothing..." Himeko said still blushing deeply
"B-but you were sucking on m-my ear..." Shai said covering her ear. Himeko clenched her fists tightly and sighed deeply
"I like you.." Himeko mumbled
"H-huh? What?" Shai asked
"I said I like you" Himeko said
"M-more than just a fr-friend?" Shai asked
"Yes..." Himeko said
"O-oh well um....u-uh that's n-nice but uh...I'm not-Mmph!" Himeko interrupted her sentence with a kiss. Shai blushed deeply as her body trembled. Himeko pulled away and kissed her again. Shai was shaking and trembling not knowing what to do in a situation like this. Himeko caressed her cheek softly and started licking her bottom lip slowly. Shai grabbed her shoulders and pushed her
"N-no...wait...I-I'm not...r-ready to be...i-in a relationship..." Shai said and blushed. Himeko removed her hands and started removing her school tie. Shai's eyes widen and blushed deeply. Himeko unbuttoned her shirt slightly but not fully unbuttoning all the buttons and caressed Shai's cheek. Shai trembled at her touch and moaned as Himeko leaned in kissing her neck softly. Himeko licked her neck slowly and started removing Shai's tie then unbuttoned her shirt. Shai grabbed her wrists and whimpered
"St-stop..." Shai whispered. Himeko blushed and kissed her again. Shai kept her lips together not wanting to french kiss but Himeko squeezed her boobs hard making her gasp and give Himeko a chance to shove her tongue inside her mouth. Shai moaned softly and her body slowly started to give in. Himeko blushed deeply as she licked her tongue slowly. After a couple of minutes Himeko broke the kiss with a strand of saliva between their lips. The two stared at each other panting softly. Himeko closed her eyes and kissed her again. Shai blushed deeply and kept trembling
'Wh-what's gotten into her?'
End Of Flashback
"S-so yeah...we got caught and well...y-yeah" Shai said
"Oh so Himeko forced herself on you?" Yuzu asked
"Yeah but I don't want to blame her or anything" Shai said
"What will you do? Are you still going to talk to her?" Yuzu asked
"Well yeah but...I-I don't know what we are...I guess we're still friends" Shai said
"Do you like her?" Yuzu asked
"I-I um..well...u-uh bye!" Shai said and hanged up
"Shai is everything okay?" Her mother asked
"Y-yes mother. Just um..have to finish my homework" Shai said and ran to her room. She shut the door and leaned against the door. Her heart raced and started trembling
"I-I don't like her...right? O-or do I? Oh fuck...I have no idea..." Shai mumbled and fell on her knees. She clenched her chest tightly and whimpered

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